Monday, June 16, 2008

Your birthday cake plate!

Shawn's wife Erin turned me on to making cake plates, and scouring garage sales for unique plates and candle holders to glue together with "dries clear" super compound glue.

This was the first one I made. It is an older Avon bunny holding a tulip candle holder with a slightly chipped plate that says "Just for you." Total cost $6 plus the glue.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Family: Great Grandpa George Berg

When I was young Great Grandpa George lived in a small trailer behind Grandma Anne's in Suquamish. Grandpa looked exactly like this picture and I knew that he was sometimes hard to understand having a strange accent. I understood later that when he was 16 he travelled from Norway to the US to live. All I knew when I was little is that he was a fisherman through and through and he really liked to eat all kinds of smelly fish!
Maybe he passed his love of the Sea to me, I will never know. I do know that the Puget Sound is the place I love and the oceans and Sea must be around me.
The tide sings a melody, the moon a lullaby.. And at night if you listen close you will hear the sighs of the ones that are caught in the enchanting mystery of it's song...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Scrapbooking: Conrad is serious!

Conrad was living with us at the time this was taken. He was running around trying to find where Bootsie mom's cat was hiding. He finally found him in the towel basket in the bathroom.

Conrad was more than a little miffed that I was following him and wanted to stop him from his very important secret mission to take a photo!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Birthday from Auntie Kimmie!

I made this card from stickers if you can believe it! Love Disney!
Thumper is too cute!

I want you to write and tell me who is your favorite characters! Mine is Piglet from Winnie the Pooh, and I love the little Monkey Curious George! Paddington Bear is also a favorite, have you ever heard of him?
It rains alot in Washington and Paddington Bear wears galoshes and a raincoat!
I also like all of the Miss Spider books too! They are so colorful.

Love you all, your auntie Kim.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Aleah!

Dear Aleah this birthday card is from Grandma Cricket, she made it for you and I put it on the computer for you to see it! Now I will put a card on for you both from both of us! Hope you girls have so much fun this summer!
Hugs and Kisses, and more hugs with squeezes~

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Scrapbooking: Anni & Lexi

I was very lucky to have received some scrapbooking "brads" for my birthday.
I added them to this page of my nieces. I like to take photos and make 5x5 or 8x8 decorated pages. This one of course is one of my favorite photos. They are so colorful and happy! This was taken on one of the few trips I took to see my brother Jason's family when they lived in Utah. They are growing so fast and I wish I could see them more often, but they will always be my cute little nieces to me.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Lizzie!

I hope that your birthday was fun and some wishes will come true for you! Keep helping your mother and all of your family it is very important. You are a very big help, we are so proud of you. Big hugs and kisses. Happy birthday Love Grandma Cricket!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Crafts: "Diaper Cakes"

My friend Kim at work told me she was giving homemade gifts for baby shower gifts. She said she was going to try to make a "diaper cake."

I looked on line about it and didn't see anything neat about them. She told me about a woman in NYC that is so crafty she gets ideas from everwhere and she then does them herself. She did her own Diaper Cake and I had to see it, it was so cute. So I did my version above.

These were fun, anyone want one? I loved making them!

Scott is wondering who they are for....(?)
2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.