Thursday, July 31, 2008

Looking Forward to the Honeymoon!

To kickoff the Honeymoon Vacation we will spend our Honeymoon 1st night at The Salish Lodge in Snoqualmie. The Lodge overlooks the Snoqualmie Falls and is one of the best local scenic vistas. I am excited since after we will take down and breakdown all of the wedding decor, to then go to the room and climb into the jetspa tub for two and just relax until I look like a pickle!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wedding: The Countdown! 5 Weeks

Mom and I took some photos of me in my dress.
I hope that people in Missouri can get a feel for what is coming along.

The dress is super white and so is the veil. Once the veil and the dress were on together, I turned to my mom and said,

"Wow, I am going to look super nice."

Of course, being my mom, she said,

"You will always be my beautiful little girl."

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wedding: The Countdown! 5 Weeks

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Evergrowing Ribbon Collection

Now that I am preparing for my wedding my ribbon collection is growing.
I love ribbons and embellishments and buttons and so many things I collect.
I am one of those "collectors." I like how my dad puts it,
"We are Packrats", he says.
Scott says his mom also calls it that.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

inFAMOUS : Scott's Video Game out in 2009

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wishes: Dream Big!

If you are going to wish, dream BIG they say!
Just to show my taste really.
Vera Wang designs a very feminine and also masculine setting called "lace." This setting pulls it together with a thick band in a very stong elegant yet intricate design that is pleasing yet not too busy. The salad plates have a very detailed lace and leaflike design that is reminiscent of chantilly lace and antique china passed down generation to generation. The cups are short and sturdy, the dinner plateand overall design timeless.
Even Scott thinks it is nice!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Beaver Lake Park, Sammamish - WA

Liz and James McDaniel followed us to the wedding site Saturday to select the spot for the music setup area in the Pavillion. There were pink and white water lillies covering vast parts of the lake. James said it looked like they were made to order for the wedding. We were surprised, when we were there in the past there were just small areas of lily pads dotted here and there.
We had not seen them in bloom before then and it was breathtaking for sure. We hope we are locky enough and they are as lovely in the weeks ahead for the ceremony.

Monday, July 21, 2008

More Decorations for the Wedding Site...

Scott thinks these are too Christmas-y with the lights.. The Pavillion, even on a summer day is a little darker, so topiary with white lights would brighten up a corner area.... Hummn maybe the lights wil be nixxed.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Looking Forward to the Honeymoon!

Disneyland California for 3 - Days

Waters Edge Guest House Pine Lake, Sammamish - 4 Days

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Picnic table top center piece. Rustic baskets with pinecones and dark forest foilage with cinnamon colored raffia intermixed.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wedding: The Countdown! 6 Weeks

Decorated white favor boxes with cinnamon orange on black.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wedding: The Countdown! 7 Weeks

We reserved dinner at at the Suquamish Cedar Steakhouse in the Casino with my Dad and Diane his wife, My Uncle Gene and Auntie Marilyn. After dinner we walked behind the casino to the Resort Hotel through the lobby and into the courtyard where we planned to do a rehearsal run through and discuss and select the ceremony style and wording choice from Gene's selections.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wedding: The Countdown! 7 Weeks

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wedding: The Countdown! 8 Weeks

Kristi Brown & Diane Frampton

Are throwing my bridal shower... Awwww shucks..... thanks so much....
They have chosen the cutest Bridal Shower card that is the lightest robin's egg blue with a wedding dress in a chalky white and a tulle veil crowned with three little white rosettes. When I saw them I really smiled. I just so happen to love that color and have Thank You cards to match.... How Sweet!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bridal Registry

Monday, July 7, 2008

Wedding: The Countdown! 9 Weeks

Scott is officially not allowed on this site now. So.. Week 10.
Fitting for the dress.. Here is a Sneak Peak!! Modest neckline, small sleeves. very white with embroidery all down the sides and little delicate flowers with more delicate beads.

Card Holder for well wishes..

Guestbook and The Veil
Fingertip length Veil.. The headband, faux pearl and sparkly gem encrusted,
ends of veil corded with satin and overall with beads and mini mirror sequins

Week 9: Rings sized: White Gold
Invitations designed by the Bride and Groom
2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.