Sunday, December 27, 2009


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Conrad's Christmas

Conrad and Dustin came over the day after Christmas!! We enjoyed a Christmas Lunch and opened presents. Then we went to the Lincoln Town Center showing of Avatar. Then dinner at the Pizza Bank. It was great.

Friday, December 25, 2009


Everyone was having fun opening gifts!

Even Lucy was enjoying playing with her NEW TOY! It is a Lady Bug.

Scott got a Grumpy Party Pooper! It is a sheep that when you lift the tail drops little chocolate balls out. Very funny! He also got a Wiener Slinky dog!

Thanks Jeff and Bev for the great gifts! The Scarves are very warm, the bubble bath very cool, and the Star Trek Game looks fun too!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Punkin Pie with Whip Cream & Martinelli Apple Cider.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Dinner

Honey Ham, Potatoes, Gravy, Orange-Cranberry Sauce, Green Beans, Rolls.
It was very nice.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mom's Christmas Cottage

Her fire is lit and the stockings are hung. The tree is decked with glittering ornaments of all types.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Teapot!

We no longer have shelves that run along the top of the kitchen cabinets. The Carnation house was great for my white teapot collection. When we moved I scaled down the collection and sent alot to the goodwill.
This teapot, I could NOT resist it's cuteness. So it is on display in the kitchen window!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Homemade Retro Card!

This card makes me laugh really hard! This is a card for all of our family

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Final Product...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Handmade Gifts

Each year I try to make a Christmas Ornament as a gift for the wonderful people in Scott's Family. They are now my family, and even though I will not see them this year, I am thinking about them.
This year I found a cute frame for scrapbooking by MM Glitter Bling (Making memories @ Michael's $1.99ea.) that I thought would make a great photo border for an ornament. I then purchased 6 glitter snowflakes (Ben Franklin $6.99 6/box).
I was going for a vintage look so the photos were printed on HP Photo matte paper.
They are a little bigger, but I like them very much.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Season's greetings

Monday, December 14, 2009

Snoqualmie Falls - Yesterday Dec 13, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Weedle on the Needle - Space Needle Visit

The Seattle Space Needle has changed over the years. At the observation deck level there are various fun facts all over the walls. Comparisons of the height of other land marks to the Needle.

Well folks, Missouri makes 'em taller! The Missouri Arch stands 630 feet, wheras the Seattle Space Needle stands at 605 feet.

What a bright sunny, though chily day to see all of the surrounding cityscape!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Things that Make Me Smile - Holiday Trimmings

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Science Fiction Museum

Seattle holds the actual full costume worn by Roddy McDowel in the Planet of the Apes films. I thought the exhibitions was pretty cool! The chair that was used by Capt. James Tiberius Kirk from the TV Series is also housed there.

We had a great time wandering around.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wintery Weekend with the Wiener's

Scott's mom Karin, his sister Charlene, and her husband Ro were up here for a few days. We did a little shopping and sightseeing and eating out.
Shining and bright Christmas Tree -Sucker Punch Lobby
Red Mill Burgers - Green Lake, WA

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our First Tree in our New House!

After the family has left Scott and I went for a drive.

We ended up getting a Christmas tree. An artificial tree.

So tonight I decorated it with the only box of ornaments I could find. So there are no shiny glass ball ornaments....

Ho hummmn This looks just fine I think.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


As you can see food was eaten, kitchens were demolished, and many a game of Uno was played.

Shawn came up from California.

We called Aaron & Christine to wish them a congrats for the new baby boy.

Hey Aaron, he was sleeping!

Laura made totally awesome pumpkin coffee cake and a super pumpkin bread.

Monday, October 26, 2009

the old spaghetti factory dinner!

Conrad looks grumpy, however he was very tired and all he wanted to do was go to the hotel and eat pancakes. Once we had our "trolley" table, he felt better and he loved the place!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Conrad's 2009 Costume!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Colored Leaves

We drove to Leavenworth to see the colors of fall. It was beautiful. Scott and I had an "Old Tyme" photo taken and afterward we had dinner at the Alley Cafe a mostly italian eatery. Then we headed back. A truly nice afternoon.

Monday, August 31, 2009


He did good.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Port Townsend, Coupeville.. Ah harbor towns!

We love harbor towns!
This weekend we spent 2 nights in Port Townsend at the Palace Hotel. We day tripped to Fort Flagler on Marrowstone Island. We ferried to Whidbey Island on Sunday and then on to dinner at La conner, it was terrific! All of it..

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Childhood Memories

As written by Written by John Kenneth Muir :

Before Star Wars, little boys and girls in America played with an array of fantastic toys and gadgets from The Six Million Dollar Man, a TV series that began airing in 1974 on ABC. The series starred stolid Lee Majors as Colonel Steve Austin, an astronaut injured during a dangerous spacecraft test. At the behest of Oscar Goldman at OSI, and harnessing the breakthroughs of Dr. Rudy Wells, Steve Austin became “Better. Stronger. Faster.” For the (now cheap…) price of six million dollars, Colonel Austin became the world’s first bionic man. What a bargain!
Going back over thirty years, I remember that The Six Million Dollar Man was absolutely appointment television for every kid in America. Every week, my sister and I waited on pins and needles to see his new adventures (and those of his spin-off, The Bionic Woman). In particular, we loved the episodes (almost always two-parters…) that saw Steve Austin facing off against an alien robot “Sasquatch.” Yep…a Bionic Bigfoot (played by Ted Cassidy!)
Another amazing episode saw Steve Austin battling a probe from outer space. And who can forget the episode that featured William Shatner as a fellow astronaut who came back from space with unusual mental powers…and needed a smackdown from the 6 Mill Man. Steve Austin vs. Captain Kirk!!!!
Before Star Wars (and Kenner) revolutionized the action-figure industry with its line of small-sized (3 inch) action figures, most television and movie related figures were quite large (in the mold of G.I. Joe, a classic), and the impressive Six Million Dollar Man collection was no exception. Steve stood a whopping 12 inches tall, and came with all sorts of bionic accessories. As you can see from the photo of my Six Million Dollar Man, Steve is wearing the trademark red jogging suit he became famous for in the series’ opening credits (which showed him running far faster than non-bionic men…), and he has a “scope” in his eye to simulate his bionic orb. You can peer through the back of his skull and see into the distance, as if you are seeing through his mechanical eye. Nice!
My Six Million Dollar Man is resting inside the 20 inch Bionic Transport and Repair Station (sold separately). This is where Steve goes for a tune-up, I presume. It is sort of like a rocket ship and a surgical theater all in one. Today, I can only wish that I had taken far better care of my Bionic buddy and his toys. At one point, I had his boss, Oscar Goldman (who was sold in a checkered 1970s jacket and with an unusual accoutrement: an exploding briefcase), Jaime Sommers, Big Foot and the villainous Maskatron (who could look like Steve or Oscar…). I had Steve’s “Critical Assignment Legs” and “Critical Assignment Arms” which were special bionic limbs (”Neutralizer Arm!”) for different missions. But the toy I wish I still owned today was Steve’s Bionic Mission vehicle, a sort of rocket ship and car combo that the figure could drive. These are rare and expensive on E-Bay today. I loved that toy.
Looking back across Kenner’s impressive collection, there were Six Million Dollar Man clothes accessories (space suits and more), a back-pack radio, Jaime Sommers’ sports car, and a plastic playset of OSI HQ. -Written by John Kenneth Muir
Wow!! This sums up Scott & my childhood experience! I was so infatuated with the Colonel Steve Austin that my mother remembers this to this day. Scott was enthralled as a kid and had the rocket ship, space suit and other related items. Who could blame him.?
The Six Million Dollar man was exciting!
I bargained on e-bay for a few things to include his space suit, and the Rocket Repair Station (not in mint condition, though still nice enough) and they should arrive in a week or so.
We will be waiting on pins and needles for this chilhood collection to arrive!
What did you have as a child that was so awesome? Maybe you can find it again and re-live the memories.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Black Raven Brewery - Kevin's Visit

My brother Kevin came to visit this weekend.

Saturday we went to Bellevue to the Lincoln Town Center Cinema's to see District 9.
It was unbelievably good.
Sunday we went to the Redmond Black Raven Brewery to wet our whistle's. I actually had water, Scott had Thomas Kemper Root Beer, and Kevin took the taste challenge of the 6 flavors of the brewery.
The brewery tap room and eating area were very nice and we had a great time just talking for some time.
Afterwards we barbequed steaks at the house with fresh salad, grilled petite white corn with herbs and zucchini, with garlic bread.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

At-At Walker!

Scott had fun putting together the xmas gift I got him. This walker actually has a mini batterized motor that enables it to really walk! Very cool to see once it was all together. I think he really liked it!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Yes! Planting Roses and Shrubbery!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Twin Falls, North Bend

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Twin Falls, North Bend

Laura and I hiked to the bottom of Twin Falls last weekend. Our first visitor to the new house. Though she prefers cathedral ceilings, and this house does not have any, she still likes the place.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Yes the Keys!!

We finally got the keys Monday evening at 6:45pm.
Our gracious realtor Angela Marks met us with gifts in hand!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time flies.. We will miss you Conrad!!

Our visit with Conrad was short and today he went back home.
We had a great visit and will miss him very much!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Even on Easter.....there is homework!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Conrad building a Lego Robot!

This was pretty easy says Conrad. I did most of it, my Aunt Kim helped with the guy.
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