Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Strawberry Shortcake!!

I really miss Scott.

Seldom do I see him, and we talk on the phone about things to do with the house.

He is not feeling well and will come home early..

before 10..

I am very happy he will be coming home.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Almost to Final Acceptance.....

Well, we will get a new deck .

(Though it will be wood and not tritek (composite) and will be the same size, we are glad it will be completed before closing.)

We just have a few minor things to tie up and we are ready for the Appraisal next week.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A few more weeks... and back to normal hours!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Pins and Needles

Well, if anyone is out there..and anyone is curious. We were accepted on our offer for the house.

A new roof comes with before closing.

With the inspection came a new revelation, that the deck may need repaired or replaced depending....... After the roof, the sellers only want to toss in $1,500 towards other repairs.

We had another deck inspection done. It came back needs to be replaced.

The official report will be sent to the sellers over the weekend and we will find out their response to the entire inspection and the fact that the deck needs replaced costing more that the $1,500 "limit."

So we will not hear anything new until Sunday afternoon...

Again, I cross my fingers. We really want this house.

And yesterday our interest went under 5% to 4.8. saving us $10,800 across the 30yr loan. That and the tax incentive of $8,000 and this is the best time for us to buy a house. Hopefully this one, the one we want!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday - March 17th Happy St patrick's!

Tuesday - Well, the inspection is tonite.. Crossing my fingers it goes well.
This is going so fast that I keep forgetting we are in process of getting a new house.
This morning I was showering and I remembered and I thought,
soon it will be a shower in a totally diferent bathroom!

So I hope the water pressure is good... and the water heater !!!!
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