Sunday, January 31, 2010

Photo Wall for Mom Part 1

My mom has many, many photos that are framed (and not). I have been slow getting them up on walls. My mom is very patient, and never gives me a bad time. She knows I have not been feeling well. So today, I had Scott put up these two Ikea black shelves and I put some of her photos up.
These are just the ones she had on her window. The cat would jump in the window and knock them down.
I did put the wonderful photos of the grandkids and the most recent ones from Kim & Jason on the other wall and when I am done adding to her walls I will take pics of all and blog them all.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Easy Valentine Cards

-Heart Shape
-Me&My Big Ideas Stripe Paper
-Nook & Pantry Cupcake Paper
-Glue Stick
-Ultra Fine Glitter
-Glitter Glue
-Foam Mount Double Stick Tape

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pacific Science Center Butterfly House

Now I am really upset that I did not know this exhibit was a permanent exhibit when Scott's mom was here. So, anyone that knows Scott's mom, please do not mention this place! Thanks!!

We definitely want to take her here when she visits again!

I heard about the Pacific Science Center having a butterfly exhibit about 10yrs ago, however I thought it was a temporary one.. Sad news, Scott's mom loves butterflies and she missed a trip here. Well, we have something to look forward to!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lights, Tinsel, Trim and the Fun Decor!

These wonderful elves were a gift from Scott's sister Charlene & brother in law Ro. Christmas time in Missouri is a high energy loud and laughing time with family and smiles.
Of and on growing up we lived with at my mom's mom's - grandma Anne's house. I remember on the mantle near the Christmas stockings and by the old clock she had the original elves that these elves are a reproduction of, I thought they were maybe a little devious looking.
So not only seeing them again, but getting a set of our very own brings back memories of a different time. A time of family gatherings of making a holiday meal with what you could, and my favorite - all kinds of authentic great grandma and grandma's pies.
I love these guys!
Sad to say, it is time to put Christmas sugar plums away.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Valentine's Day Gift

My mom and I went to my absolute favorite craft store in the world today. Ben Franklin of Monroe, WA. Objective, a few little things for Valentine's Day projects, and some stickers for the neices and nephews.
For $1.99 I picked up this heart, printed a wedding pic and "blinged" it out.
It is ready as a gift for Scott to hang off his art room door.
He has been hard at work on the yearly comic that he and a group of his friends put together. So I have only seen him at meal times more, or less, since he came back from Missouri.
A little over the top with the stickers, but a great way for him to see that I care and am thinking about him as he comes and goes to work on his art related work in his room.
Whatcha think?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

More Organization Tips ?....

I will be honest, if my favorite craft items are tucked away and are not out in plain sight, I forget I have them! So I try to get them all out so I can see them and be inspired to use them! I love other people's craft rooms where their things are all neat and tidy and so organized.. Well..mine is not that organized, I am trying to get there... But I gotta see the cool stuff!

I have a large rubber stamp collection. I started collecting over 20 years ago and have not stopped. Recently Stampin Up! is one brand that I have that I do not have up and out of their cases.. I will get to it! Those are super great stamps and some of the best designs for flowers that I have, so in time I will have them out for better inspiration.

Anyways to another tip:

For an "odd" space between the wall and shelves, I bought some handled buckets and used hookscrews to stagger them up the wall to use for wrapping paper storage/display.

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Friday, January 8, 2010

Some of my favorites - Cards my mom made me

My mom knows me so well and definitely knows what I like.
Some things I like:
- Pancakes! I LOVE pancakes
- Penguins, very cool!
- Small itty bitty dogs are cute!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Recent Cards

Making cards is fun.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wreath Tag Ornament

-Hard Cardstock Tags
-Salvaged Sheet Music or Hymnal Pages
-Plastic Holly
-Stick Glue
-Hot Gue Gun
-Ribbon or Twine
-Bottle Lid or Bill Bottle for Circle Template

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Repurpose a CD case for Crafts Storage

Repurpose a plastic CD rack for craft storage. I find these at thrift stores all the time for 1.99-2.99. With craft strore foam core board, or hard box cardboard, cut 5x5 quares to use as shelves. Insert and place items for storage or display.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Scrap Room Organizing - Phase I

Phase I
- Items off the floor
- Boxes sorted and out of the room
- Move craft table to other side of room
I really should have taken a "before" shot, but the room was all boxes and a table in the middle with stuff all over it. A large shelf behind it with stuff just stacked in it so not to be on the floor.
I really despise moving. It is super great that I know have a dedicated room for all my crafting, though I felt no motivation to get it together.
With Scott out over the New Year and not getting back until Tuesday, I have been busy getting this room as done as I can.
If anyone knows me, they know I cannot keep a surprise, a secret meant to be kept and personal, Yes! A surprise that I really want to make someone happy or proud of me, Never!
So I already told Scott what I was up to.
First thing to do was to get all of the boxes out of my scrap room. I sorted through them all and have sorted and refilled about 7 going to charity. And about 10 empty.
I still need to get alot of my magazines sorted and in magazile holders, and here are still some craft boxes downstairs. That will have to be phase II. I made such a wreck with boxes all over that I was shocked... Also the closet in the craft room is filled with full boxes. Where did all of this come from?
Well... The first thing you do is that you have to admit you have a problem.
Now that alot of my things are now in plain sight, crafting will be much better.
Phase II
- Wall boards
- Window treatments
- Clean Closets
- Closet shelving and organizational for projects "in progress"
I will be putting up cork boards so I can display finished projects (now I out them in albums that no one sees, this will change.) And I will put up idea snippits I find. Like today I found this great idea to make a Lego costume from boxes and round boxes, it is cool. I also see alot of websites for retro modern or funky hand made items that I would like to check out - though forget about them .. Now I will be able to tack them up and remember to check them out when I want.
Right now, I am in love with felted wool! Over the holidays I bought the cutest feltedwool mushroom ornaments, and 2 felted wool raindeer.
well, I am bushed, I did relax and read a new edition of Creative Keepsakes (a scrapbooking magazine) the founder Lisa Beardson is stepping out of the mag after 13 years, sucks all the best creative designer leave just when I get interested in getting a subscription.
My favorite scrapbook desinger is Ali Edwards. My stuff is nothig like hers, I do not even try to be like hers, however I really love how she scrapbooks everything and journals everything in her own handwriting (which is very cool by the way). She is truly inspiring!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ribbon Cage - Steal this idea!

As a collector of ribbon I am always thinking of ways to store and display it.
When looking at a bridcage and the perch inside, I thought wow, this might work to put ribbon it. So I when I saw this cage on sale at the sidewalk sale at Ben Franklin, I picked it up.
It turned out awesome!
I am dissapointed that I did not buy the smaller one as well because now there are none to be had. Maybe in Spring they will be back again.
It is perfect! And to get it out of the way, eventually I can suspend from a hook in the ceiling over my work area.

Tip Junkie handmade projects

2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.