Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pasta Ickers???

"Aunt Kim, please pass the Pasta Ickers!"

.........Huh? We were at Chinese and I know there is no pasta on the table.

He pointed to the middle of the table..

Oh, okay,

I passed the Pot Stickers.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Shutters - BLACK

The old white shutters, though in this pic look great because it was when we first bought the house, really do look better in the picture, in person they fade into the house and they needed to go. The door will eventually be painted matte black and only some trim will be inset in black. With new windows (someday) the house will look rockin. Thanks Dustin for putting up our shutters!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's!

All cards pictured are handmade by Kerry McDaniel:

I purchased a card holder just for the Kerry McDaniel cards. I really wish we will always get her handmade cards!! She sends them for every holiday! I need to do this. My projects are mini albums, and I should share them I guess.

I haven't posted in a few weeks and it feels like forever. Do I really ever have anything to say...who knows. I have been in a funk lately. My husband and I are. He has good reason, he has been working non stop for 2 weeks, yes weekends too, and from 9 am to at least midnight, and as late as 2. His video game is in the crunch mode. They have several before production. Working for a video game company is a great gig if you are single without a life. But now, it really puts a strain on him (US). Other have it worse, so i will hold back here on how I really feel!

For me, well I just have been stressed out. The diet is wayside for now, which stresses me even more. I haven't gained back, I just have had no time for the treadmill, and I made myself a promise, and really wanted to show something, getting somewhat of a cold through me down hill. I am pretty hard on myself, but I have to lighten up as I can't afford to have issues. I have been seizure free since August {I always knock on wood at this point) and am hoping to go a year and really celebrate... It actually will fall near our anniversary, so this will be awesome if I will not have a problem.

Our vehicles are giving us hell, last week both his would not start, then mine decided to die mid week. And then this week, an electrical wiring issue on mine. Not serious like you could get in an accident, but $400 serious... last week was $500 something, so this is a pain.

The Job is stressing me out too, but I just tell myself I am doing the best that I can.
Well, enough whining, today is St. Patrick's and I hope the luck o' the Irish is with you!

Spring is almost here, YAY! I will snap out of it!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

The pressure is on now that I am held accountable by my vast array of followers. Wait, I have no followers.

Anyways folks, you will be shocked and amazed, or merely bored by my weekly weigh in updates. Either way, I am crackin' the whip on myself to really step it up and make an effort. I really don't want egg on my face and flop on this effort. I really think I have it in me now to keep it off once I reduce my weight. The long hard road to get there is going to be painful.

Well here it goes

WK 0
WK 1 -3.0 lbs lost
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