Monday, June 27, 2011


My brother Dustin said for his next letter he wanted a comic. This is my first go at it...

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Spaceman and Sock Monkey

Orignal ART BY: Marisa Haedike Spaceman & Sock Monkey is a wonderful whymsical space adventure with the cute astronaut and his sidekick the sock monkey.

I started by resizing. The original art is 18x18, and this repro is 8x8. Step by step you see my process to have this come together.

Of course since I have not painted since art classes in college, my repro wil not be an exact identical piece. But I am happy to say no major mess ups, and it is very close to being finished... (not bad in 3 hours..) But the perfectionist in me says I need more practice...

Now I am finished. I could not make the stars as beautiful as the original piece, but hey I tried.
Please note this reproduction is not, and was not for sale. It was lovingly reproduced one time only in acrylic and sized 8x8 as a gift.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Learning to Type

I am excited and can't wait to receive this K12 keypad cover!!!!

We will be keeping up with studies over the summer. When Conrad does not have Karate, or swimming, he has a summer writing packet to practice his cursive and writing, and I have begun to teach him computer typing skills. I ordered on e-bay this keypad cover for touch typing traning. This will be so awesome to get. Our will be somewhat different as the pic is for pc, ours will be ultra slim for a laptop keyboard.

image credit to K12

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Digital Aquarium

Wow, why all the digital? As I take Conrad to Karate I have 2 hours in the car to kill. Not 2 full hours. 1hr and then a 15 minute break between class, and then another 1hr class. So with free wifi, there it is...

Designer Artists Credit:
Agnes Biro Design House Digitals
Katie Pertiet Designer Digitals
Celeste Knight Sweet Caroline Studio Design House Digitals

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

Scott has been a dad to Conrad for the last year. His father called him today and is not able to be with Conrad for a long while. This card was just perfect.

I made skillet potatoes, steak, and blueberry french toast for Father's Day.

Scott's company were all given the InFamous2 Hero game edition. It is the game with an action figure statue and the figures pack and other stuff.. Pretty cool.

Conrad continues Karate 6 sessions a week... In the hopes to get his Gi as quickly as we can, we do our best to attend 2 back to back sessions 3x a week.. (They must earn their Karate Uniform and white belt)

Poor little Lucy cat. We took her to the vet and she has a bladder infection. Morning and night we must wrap her in a blanket, hold her down tight and force feed two types of medication to her. She has a special food now.. It is no fun at all. And we are not surprised she is hiding out under the table on a chair. Poor Lucy girl. She does not act angry and does not lash out at me when I check on her, she just looks as uncomfortable as she feels I suspect.

Friday catching up on reading.

Monkey on the monkey bars

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Digital Templates

Kuaui Copter ride :

At Ruby Beach, WA (a.k.a.THE Ocean)

Italian soda's Snoqualmie Ridge Italian Restaurant

Conrad at Haddon Park, Bremerton, WA

I fell in love with this template by Katie Pertiet. The top template is a Photo Shop document (psd) and it has all the layers so you can make any changes.

The bottom ones are photo overlay photo cards. You add the photo under the overlayer and for these you can't make any changes. These are cool. Again the digital artist is Katie Pertiet.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Digital Scrapping

In order to hone my skills in the digital scrapping world I try to find cool inspiring pieces to use as a project to set up for myself to familiarize myself with all of the steps, and see how long it takes me to recreate the final piece.
This is my version of the page of the original by Artist: Baersgarten as posted by Two Peas in a bucket 5/29/11.

As you can see, the only change I made is the Font, all else is a direct reflection of her awesome design. I can now take this and change it up to my own art.
You can visit and see all of her wonderful designs on Two Peas in A Bucket. So, this is with my respects and full credit to : Baersgarten: "Your work is ALL Like Totally Awesome!!"

Artist Credited: Baersgarten 5/29/11

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mini Albums - Kauai

Some mini album pages. Inspiration is partly by Nick Bantock (the Griffin & Sabine Series of books) and findings from 7 Gypsies and Tim Holtz, combined with vintage steam punk trends that have come back.

I have alot of styles to chose from that I have when I scrapbook, this one is my personal favorite. I take all the papers I love and sprinkle with vintage image rub on transfers and anything else that I fancy.

Stack of Mini Albums:

The Kauai Mini:
Aerial view of the Napali Coast.

Statue at the hidden beach of the princess at Allerton Gardens

The beach where if you are standing here and turn slightly left, you see the dock across the bay.

The fruit bowl made of pineapple that I nibbled on as we called our parents to tell them we were engaged. The first and last time I have ordered a Blue Hawaiian drink..

Close up.

Aye Matey, doesn't he look like a pirate!

We went to the Lei Day celebration May 1st. "May Day"
It was a beautiful traditional display of lei's and decorated hats. It was so awesome.

Hidden view of hidden beach

Every morning we ate at the Olympic Cafe. The coffee was delish and the special of the day was Macadamia Pancakes.

Scott taking a shot at Glass beach. Glass beach is a little out of the way beach that is around the cove from where a glass factory used to toss it's rejects into the bay to crash and be tossed around until they are small round pebbles that sparkle like diamonds at sunset. You really have to see this to believe it.

The Plumeria bushes in the parking area at the restaurant where we called our parents to tell them about being engaged.

In the copter above the scenic island.

It was a blast!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

End of Scouts Summer

This was the last official Scout Meeting before the summer camp outing weekend.

The Scout picnic & Rain Gutter Regatta at 132nd & 132nd Square Park in Kirkland.
He raced his boat " The Green Hornet" and he won his heat.
He had a blast running around and playing kick ball.

Conrad advances to Webelos and changed from the bears blue kerchief to the plaid of the Webelos.
It was nice weather and a very pleasant time.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Going Digital..

It may be less messy, but digital scrapbooking takes me a lot longer... I am not a wiz at the Photo Shop short cut keys, and I admit when I download I do not rename how I should, therfore cannot for the life of me easily find anything!.. But it is still fun to see a page and then make one alot like it.

I loved Celeste's page, and created my version.

Here is the original artist's page created by Celeste (showcased in Two Peas) called "Yum"

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Conrad has almost a full week of suffering from ear pain, 2 trips to urgent care,alot of ear drops, amoxicillin, kids motrin, naps too...Kim has a cold too...
Scott too.

This is what we do when we are sick. Bundle up on the couch and play the DS or watch TV. We are extremely irritable., so do not push your luck.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Saturday Mariners vs. Tampa Bay Rays

It was wonderful. We had an upper deck that was shaded and breezy the entire time. Best game ever. We did not witness the M's win, but it was still a way fun time!

2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.