Monday, August 27, 2012

Vacation Bay View Beach State Park

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sugarfree Blackberry Jam

Conrad and I made Sugarfree Blackberry Jam

These little freezer jars are plastic.  So cute.  3 cups make 5 jars

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Chief Seattle Days 2012

I didn't take as many pictures as I usually do.  But this Chief Seattle Days was special this year.

Carvings, Shopping, Canoes, Dancing and crazed dogs.
Maggie is my sisters cool dog that can catch a tennis ball run around and basically do that until you are all out of breath, red in the face and wheezing.

Group shot.... Yeah yeah yeah ..I am missing.  Love all these guys!
Left to right top to bottom, 
Sister Laura, Auntie Marilyn, Chum from forever Donna, 
Conrad, Dustin my brother, And my mom.

Absolutely had a fry bread fest!

Aztec Dancers

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Love and Laundry has listed step by step exactly how to make the
 "Cheesecake Factory Pumpkin Cheesecake"
my husband's all time favorite combo.

Step by Step Instructions Here!

I am going to make this for him as a surprise very soon.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Grayland Beach Park

In a few weeks we will take a trip to the Ocean again.  
This time we will go to Bay View State Park.   
I look forward to seeing them fly kites, walk the sandy beach, 
and step in the waves.

Studio Double D Designs for Digital Designs Template

Sunday, August 12, 2012

First Day of School: Mrs Fife / Ms. Kelley

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Addi's Pic's

Addason borrowed my camera to use on the "Big Wheel."  
Here are some of his shots

Of course a Self Pic

A Cute Pic of His Mommy, Kimberly

Sister Aleah


His Daddy, Jason

Digital frames by Burke Family Flog Freebies:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Friends Camp Mini Scrapbook

I made this Mini Scrap book by printing 3.5 x 2.5 photos 
with hard chipboard and rings and just adding washi tape, stickers, 
and anything relating to anything outdoors.

I love the little fishy sticker on this page!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Blackberry Mania

Blackberries are so scarce in Utah, 
they are referred to as 
"Black Gold." 

Jason and Kim had some down time here one of the days of their visit ( I had a dental appt. for a few hours) and so they went to a picking spot I told them about.  In about and hour and a half they filled a cooler to take back home to make preserves.

Conrad wanted us to go too, so this afternoon when mom was in the Library, we went.

 They are so abundant here
 that in 20 minutes
 Conrad and I filled a large container this afternoon.  
I bought 4 angel food mini's and made blackberry ice cream cups.

My berry strainer is decorated in cute berries.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Jason and Kimberly and the five girls, Lizzie, Lexi, Aleah, Anni, 
and one little man, Addason,
 drove up from Utah for a visit during their vacation.

We met them downtown at the waterfront
Kim, Addi, Aleah, Anni, Lexi, and Conrad

Cool view of Seattle skyline from the Big Wheel
Aleah, Addi and Conrad up in the Great Wheel waterfront Seattle

My brother Jason waiting for us while we rode
Just walking around before we met at the Ivar's fish booth.
 In front of the Aquarium

2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.