Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Little Tradition...

On the way home I was thinking about the Missouri family. I have been talking to my sister quite abit. Not really about bonding things or wedding things. Laura's birthday is a few days before the wedding and she wants to spend a few quality days with mom since she has the week off for the wedding and her birthday. So we have been trying to coordinate days, etc..

This got me to thinking about Scott's sisters and how I wish they were up here or I was down there so they could be more a part of the wedding. Like a flash it "popped" into my head.... That little rhyme..

Something old, Something new
Something borrowed, Something blue, ....
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.

So I grabbed a Starbuck's and scuttled home fast to call Scott's mom Karin.
How perfect!!! there are 3 sister's and his mom, that is 4, and there are 4 something's!!

The Silver Sixpence......well, I have an idea!

So I called and it was only 9:00 there, Wheeeew, not too late! It was nice chatting with Karin. She is great. So of course her son is great too.

I must remember to give that man a hug and a kiss for her when he gets home!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Handmade Tiered Cupcake Stand!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Handmade Tiered Cupcake Stand!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Wedding Photographer: James & Liz

James & Liz McDaniel are some of Scott's dearest friends. He went to High School with James. Liz has graciously and generously offered the Photography for our wedding. I am speechless and honored and really do not know what to say or how we will ever thank them. James, her husband will be taking care of the music and be the DJ.

Unbeleivable these two are. And they are really two very accomplished individuals.

This is Kimberley Ward of K Ward Photobiographies, the Wedding Photographer.
I wanted a photo of her for the blog and she was a little hesitant, so I said, hey, I will get in the photo too!! So I came in close and gave her a funny hug and laughed, I doubt she was expecting my craziness, then again WHO DOES? hahahhaaa.... All in good fun.
I hope she does have fun doing our wedding. She seemed to really enjoy doing her work and her work is crisp and fun and fresh not "prepared". I do like her fresh looks. Her package looks great and we were really excited talking to her, it was great.
We can't wait!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bittersweet Weekend: Goodbye Bootsie.......

Late Saturday evening Bootsie past away. Unfortunately we know now that a wild animal had gotten to her cat some time in the early the morning. We all had a very sad and traumatic morning.

Even though it was early, Scott and I decided since Sunday we were spending most of the day meeting and talking to the Wedding Photographer, it would be best if mom was not alone and, since she would not come along, or feel up to going, we would all go to the Humane Society and see if we could not find a replacement, but a new friend to keep her company.

It was the right thing to do. There was a cat that looked close to Bootsie and that was a little rough. But in the end a very sweet beautiful short hair mixed cat named "Lucy" is our new friend. She is part Lynx. Very friendly.

A new chapter is opening. We will still need time to grieve. Scott bought a cat statuary for his headstone and it is very nice.

Her she is, Lucy. A new friend to keep us in line.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wedding Certificate!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Bridal Shower!

The Vanguard Girls!
The Great Food at the Bridal Shower! I will post the Gifts and cute cards too! It was really a nice time, a sunny day, a beautiful house at Kristi's and Kristi and Diane were gracious hostesses! Fun and relaxation was also had by all!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More gifts.....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bridal Shower Gifts

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

For Bryna's Little Girl

I made this diaper cake for Bryna's baby girl Ali and found the cutest booties that are my style! They have a soft fleece lining and are stretchy but look like sneakers with a quilted scrapbook-look flower design.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wedding: The Countdown! 4 Weeks THE TUX!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Wedding: The Countdown! 4 Weeks

I found that they sell elasticized lace and I made a big garter to keep and a small one for the one to toss.

In Kauai we went to Halo Hattie's a tourist gift shop on the island where they do this silly thing where you can shuck your own pearls. We did this, it was silly and fun and we picked out a white gold pendant for the pearl.

We still haven't set the matching two smaller pearls into studs that we also picked out of the clam shells for earrings, so I picked up the above set for now. If I have time I may set them into a pair, however I doubt I will have the time... I feel like I am at the bottom of the hourglass now and the sands are running out!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

Wedding Countdown: 4 Weeks! Flowers!

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