Monday, July 26, 2010


Mount Rainer enroute to the Velley 6 Auburn Drive-in.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Saturday night was the 1st time that Conrad had ever been to a drive - in. We saw Sorcerer's Apprentice and Toy Story 3. He was a trooper. He stayed up all the way through 2 movies. And crashed hard immediately after. We told him to put his shoes back on so when we arrived home he would not have to bother with them. When we arrived home, he had fallen asleep with a shoe in his hand.

It is that quintessential idea of going back to relive your childhood. All of the wonder of the night, the awesome sight of a 40 foot screen, having way too much soda and getting away with staying up as late as you possibly can. Being goofy and tossing popcorn.

You want to go back to the family times. The twilight of youth and the safe net of your family or friends.

We had that glimpse of yesteryear, and the moment closest to perfection you can get in a summers night.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Short Project

I am not sold on the clothespin. These magnets are super strong. I will figure something out though, I really wanted a reversible "Clean" and "Dirty" sign for the dishwasher, this is the prototype.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Swanky swigs

Swanky swigs are small colorful decorative juice glasses that sometimes were jelly or Kraft cheese promotional glasses or sour cream glasses. I love them. I have only a few in my collection. These are the most recent. Believe it or not, they were only $2 each!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Alot of things were at the BBQ Saturday

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wonderful waterplay with Keri

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Funness!

We had a really great 4th! We worked in the back yard, raking, mowing, filling bird feeders for mom and then we played catch!

It is the last year Scott's work will be on the 26th floor of the Bellevue City Center Bldg, so it was the last time you could see the Bellevue fireworks at eye level on the balcony. It is the only floor with the balcony. Later this year they will move to the 2nd floor. Larger, though not as cool as the top floor.

The fireworks were spectacular as we were eye level and so close you could almost touch them. I could take or leave fireworks, they have never been my thing.

When I was young, I watched as my brother Aaron almost lost his hand with a ladyfinger firework. It will change your thinking when you see that up close. I will never light off a firework.

I know Conrad was really bummed out that we are not the kind that buy fireworks and light them off. The show was really nice, he liked them alot!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Inspiration for Grandmas Project

Conrad looked through one of the scrapbook magazines that I have. He wanted this look by artist Holly Hanks in the February 2010 Scrapbook Trends Magazine. I think when he grows up he wants to be an artist too. I know he came really close and did achieve this look.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Dad Album Project

Conrad asked to do a craft project. We will see his dad next Sunday, so an album with some disney pictures sounded like the ticket.

He designed the entire album and all I helped with was tracing the paper to the letters so all he had to do was cut and paste. I did design the goofy page a little..

I think it really turned out cool.
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