Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bedding Bliss

Finally I have the machines of my dreams. And until the novelty wears off, I will be smiling all the way to the laundry room!

The old washer leaked, the dryer smelled like it was going to catch fire at any time..Enough was enough.

I researched the Consumer Reports and best buy across the board for the money is the LG 210 series.

So with an online special, free delivery, haul away and installation, and another online coupon, I was on cloud nine.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vintage Inspired Valentine Box Step by Step

I selected a more burgundy colored box, more vintage looking flowers, and faux pearls, the Tim Holtz lock & key collection ($9.99) and trim.

First I selected the lock & key that best fit. Trimmed the cording.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snipped the stems from the flowers

attached the key with ribbon

Hot glued pearls on flowers, glued around key centerpiece.

Added trim edging


Side note, I don't suggest adding cord trim as I did, it was really difficult to keep a straight line with the hot glue on a curved surface that you have to hold still with your other hand as you wrap the cording. The piece looks just as good without it, and no one needs burned fingers. Though I will have to say, this was probably the first time I didn't burn myself, I was very careful.

Well, my one avid reader, tell me what you think.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Valentine Candy Boxes

As I scour thrift stores for nifty finds, if I run across an inexpensive red candy box, especially the nice Godiva ones that are in perfect shape, and they are cheap, I get them. "Why?"

I glue on ribbon, flowers, buttons, whatever strikes my fancy. You can use lace, felt, or you can add toys for a fun twist for kids. I love polka dots, adding black, and poppies. Brown with pinks is so "in."

I will line the bottom and glue in mini cupcake liners.

It is ready to fill with anything (try the hershey mini candy bars pack with a favorite, and give. or fill with little fun things too. You can also put in Andy mints, gum, a variety of specialties if you like. If it was for me, I would fill with the raspberries and blackberries candy, mini milky ways, and the chocolate cherries and Andys mints...I am just getting carried away thinkin' of luscious scrumptious sweets!

Now, it is ready to give!

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Again with the organizing...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Going to see Tron Legacy

Conrad spent most of the day with Zach going to the movies, Red Robin, and playing Pokemon and video games. I really, really liked Tron. I made the mistake of not seeing the first one (ever). So I really want to see the first one, then see this one again.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Valentine Crafts

I did take a break and do some crafts today when Conrad was playing with Zach and made some Valentines.

Friday, January 21, 2011


In my organizing I came across a container that has various bags of several miniature animals. One project I have not gotten around to doing is a miniature winter scene with deer and trees with glitter snow as a holiday display.. I found these little guys in that box.

Okay, I am no fan of rodents, but honestly, these are cute. (?)

Friday, January 21, 2011

To all the Chinese Food Lovers....

This heart is for you:

Monday, January 17, 2011

The garage.

I dont have a before pic, beacuse I really didn't think we would get so much accomplished in one day! My brother Dustin was over and we were standing in the garage talking about how we wanted to get things organized and sorted and to the goodwill, etc. And we just started working on it. From about Noon to 3, a solid sort-o-rama and de-clutter extravaganza!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Resolutions..Downsizing, decluttering!

This post is in response to "In Love with the Little things"

The start of a new year is full of promise and hope. The hope that you will keep your promises to stick to those resolutions!

My closet was so out of hand!!
I was convinced that keeping items sorted in baskets would be an easy fast way to sort through clothes and have them stackable to put in the closet. Yeah, was kidding no one. So Scott and I put up a closet system. The basic kit is only $79.99 @ Home Depot for a boxed kit with all the hardware. We added another 6 foot shelf and supports and loads of plastic bins. This may be overkill, but I had to get tough!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1.11.11 Today is the day....

Today is the day that my heart is filled with possibilities..

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dustin, this post is for you!

Guiness Book Winner for tallest Monster Truck!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Conrad is really into the Guiness Book of Records. And one fact, the biggest monster truck is in Missouri. So we of course had to go by!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Missouri was an event. We have established a tradition of going to Bangert Park. Here is Conrad having the time on the swing.

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