Friday, May 27, 2011

Reviews for inFamous2 - My husband's Game for PS3

My husband Scott works for a video game company. This is the game that will be released this summer.
Scott didn't exactly make this game himself of course, alot of wonderful people at Suckerpunch Productions in Bellevue worked on both the Sly Cooper series and the inFamous games.

Sly Cooper is more of a kid's game that is equally fun and challenging for adults!

To see the full review:

Features, photo, and article all rights to IGN

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Slug Bug!

On our trip to Missouri, we brought back the cool game with Conrad of Slug Bug.. You all may be familiar, you ride in the car and to pass the time, when you see a VW beetle, you yell "Sluggggg Buggg!" and slug the other person. Well in our friendly version, we say slug bug yellow, or whatever the color is. Each NEW Bug car is 1 point, and the older fashioned cars are 2 as well as 1 extra point for any convertible. Any tricked out bug is worth 5, like the geek squad or the merry maids green bugs! Ahhh so we cannot go anywhere without playing this game.

Good news, with Conrad getting a Nintendo DS for his birthday, this he would rather play Mario Bros vs Donkey Kong than slug bug... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nice to drive to the store and not hear a yell in your ear SLUG BUG GREEN, Did you see that Aunt Kim???!! Well DIDJA??? HUH!!!???

5 Points

Monday, May 23, 2011


Saturday @ 9:45 we met Sensei Arai of the Bellevue WKA Dojo. Even before Conrad came to live with us, I seriously wanted to get Conrad involved in Karate for the self control and focus and respect in the teachings. Conrad loved it. We were lucky that the trial session was the day after his birthday, and his dad was able to come and see him. We were both so proud as he bowed and did his best to watch others and perform as they did. He really looked like a natural. As I waited to speak to the Sensei after the class, the 2 children before me were getting their Gi (White Robe and belt) for the first time. You must truly earn your Gi and all belts of color. I watched the session, and I was even more proud as I realized that Conrad had more self control than others I witnessed that were new too. I knew right away, he really will excel at this if he sticks with it and is interested. He was a little nervous, and was taken under the wing of an adult student for his trial class. His sweat pants had pockets, and we were told he was GREAT, except for the putting hands in his pockets at times. I assured next time, there will be NO pockets in the pants!
All this week we will talk about commitment the seriousness of our word and commitment and decide if we will commit to a one year contract with the Dojo.
(My feeling, it will be a great decision that we make together,and will do nothing but benefit Conrad and our lives)

Photos courtesy of Washington Karate Association Bellevue Dojo Website Archives.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Send her out...The Pontiac

Here she is all stripped down to head on out the door. All that was left on her was the driver seat and off she went.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Garage Lights, New Door Opener..See Jeff...

Friday, May 20, 2011

The PARTY of the Century!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Conrad's 9th Birthday Party Extravaganza!

Well, Conrad moved in last year to live with us in mid April and he had very few friends when May 20th rolled around. We celebrated his 8th birthday at Red Robin, and he did get to see the Red Robin himself, though it was a very low key affair.

This year, he has a year under his belt, and made friends in class and in boy scouts. What better way to celebrate than inviting his entire class and boyscout troop to Kirkland's pump it up? Pump it up is an indoor jumpy slide place where Conrad just LOVES to go.. It is open for family public nights on Fridays only in the summer 7-9 and is $8 per person, or $8 for kids adults free I am not quite sure....

More pics from the party tonight to come!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Scott's Pontiac - The before

Scott sent his Pontiac to the shop to start the restoration. This has been a dream in the making for about 15 yrs... He has been stock piling parts so that once the welding piecing and the body work body work is completed, he can replace almost every other item. An almost complete rebuild.

First he had to purchase a shell to have welded to replace some fender and trunk paneling pieces. Then he had to pull out all of the interior.

More on this, and pics to come this weekend!

ooohhh sweet suspense! (pics to come)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tacoma Art Museum

We went with Rob & Kerry to see the Norman Rockwell exhibit in Tacoma. It was a lot of fun.
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