Sunday, July 31, 2011

Baby Wellies..

Do you have some boots, or shoes that you cant let go, repurpose them, and cherish them.  I Could not pass up these cute boots. They hold my markers. You can buy ceramic ones at craft stores to decorate to hold your pens, pencils, paint brushes, rulers, or whatever..

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kitschy Digitals Vintage Cameras

Vintage Camera Kit, Kitschy Digitals: Jessica

I love these cutesie vintage camera images on I printed them on antique paper, cut them, and foam mounted on cream cards with matching envelopes.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hurry up and wait..& thinking of college now.

Well, if you didn't know..We are adopting Conrad. My wonderful precocious 9yr old nephew. We are now in the final stages of the adoption. It was love at first sight when I saw him at the hospital when he was just a few hours old. And now, it feels so natural that he is coming to stay.
We met our latest DSHS worker that is the (final) Adoption Worker. DSHS is still getting all of the paperwork together like the birth records, all background information on family medical histories and also information on Conrad's siblings. Once that package is complete, we will get an attorney, file papers and then off to court. I was surprised to know that for adoption, the child, whether they are newborn or not, will get a NEW birth certificate, and we will be on the records as his parents. The child can also be renamed anything and it is legal. In Conrad's case, we strongly feel that he should keep his name as it is, however if he wants to add a middle name, or even two, he can. In the end, he will still go by Conrad Lawrence.
Washington State has a (one time) credit for adoption, and whatever this credit funding is, it will go straight into the GET program for Conrad's college tuition. The GET program is a savings program guaranteed by Washington State that the funds placed now at the highest cost of tuition is to be applied later no matter the increase in tuition at the time of withdrawal. Funds used against eduction will remain tax free and there is no risk as there is with some other 529 plans. Once this is deposited, we will also contribute monthly installments so he will have a full 4 year education. I feel stressed that I am so behind on setting up his education account, but I tell myself it will all work out.
We are thrilled that Conrad will have opportunities he may not otherwise have had. And he knows that he can be anything he wants to be, and we support and love him so much.
So it is just hurry up and wait...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Well... Happy Friday to all of you. Yesterday was my first of 3 guest pass visits at the Bellevue YMCA. This is our second summer that we have been using the YMCA for summer day camps for Conrad. The Bellevue "Y" is conveniently located in between my work in Issaquah, and Scott's in Bellevue. (Ok it is super close to Scott's work) Scott has the morning duties of taking Conrad to school or to summer day camp. I then pick him up and take him to after school activities. This coming year Conrad will be in Boy scouts and Karate. Last school year we both attended the boyscout meetings and events together, with Scott only missing a few due to work. This upcoming school year I will be taking him to Karate 3x a week, and Scott will primarily handle the 1x a week Boy scouts events. He is taking Swim lessons over the summer, and if we have a Y membership I can continue to take him to help teach him through the school year.
Every time I take Conrad to Karate, he does a double class which is 5:30-8:00 with a 15 minute break in between. Usually during this time I would tootle around Bellevue poking in shops, nap in the car, or use the Dojo Wifi. All pretty sedentary stuff. I thought that I could be just a block down the street at the Y exercising during his Karate. There is plenty of time to get ready, work out, and shower and freshen up too. Being a full time member as compared to a program member (only using them for lessons or daycamp) will save $50 a year on costs for daycamp, and costs for other Y programs will be less as well.
So I started with an orientation tour of the facility. I kinda snubbed my nose a little because the last gym I attended was just to nice, it was years ago mind you, but a spa like gym..and the area I know I would use the most at the Y at first glance appeared a little dingy. I then received a 3 visit guest pass.
Yesterday was my first visit and was actually very pleasantly surprised. The area I thought at first was dingy was very clean and in the midst of actually using the equipment, it was so ZEN. Yes, peaceful and not intimidating, and I was so at ease and comfortable. (Except for my screaming ankle that has never been the same since I twisted it on Kauai a few years back.)
I didn't overdue it. And even though I felt weird , my ankle really did hurt, so I did not try to be all "I am super workout person", but did things slow so I would not hurt my aged body(!). I did about 7 minutes warm up on the elliptical, 10 on the treadmill, 10 walking the track, and 10 on the cycle. In college I took 2, yes 2, full course semesters of weight management. What did I glean from these courses you ask? What secrets do I have? The answer is there is no fast way to lose weight. It comes off after time and alot of effort. You build and strengthen as you go and with a balance nutritional calorie reduced meal plan, and 2 - 20 minute expenditures of exercise daily, it will come off.
Every day?!!! Well if you seriously want it off, YES, every single day. I do know also that it has been stated that it is more beneficial to work out in smaller increments like a burst of 10 minutes and then a rest and another burst. This is because your body will level off and run at the expected higher level, and if you stop and start up again, the "gearing up" burns more calories and is better in the long run. I am not sure, but I am adopting this until I can get to 20 minute sessions per type of exercise. I am not 17 anymore, so I cant jump right into any routine and do it every day. I am reasonable and rational, and above all do not want to hurt myself.
I am happy that the first experience at the Y was better than I had hoped. I really was not looking forward to it, and I am not so happy about paying monthly for anything, especially a gym. Such is life. Sometimes change is worth the price. And I have not been able to get things going on my own. Believe me, I have tried.

I hope your exercise routine is faring well.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Polliwog 1 Completed

Conrad finished his first Polliwog class. He was given a little orange certificate. Conrad knew he needed more classes and I think was disappointed that he did not move up to the next class after Polliwog, but would need to take the class again. I told him:

"The reason why you see a lot of great very young swimmers is that it is the popular thing now for new moms to start their kids on swim lessons before they are a year old. So do not feel bad, you just have some catching up to do, and with most things the older you get the more time it takes to learn something."

I already signed him up for the next Polliwog class starting next week.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My First Digital Papers Kit: (Clutterbuggy Designs)

Well, I dinked around for about 2 hours and came up with a semi start for my first digital scrapkit. This is just playing, a foundation for the kits I really want to make later on. I am learning fast how to duplicate layers and make new layers in Photoshop. I can use brushes and soon will finish this kit by adding elements like buttons and twine, etc.. Who knows, it may actually turn out decent for a first draft kit.

6 Papers: Kit called: hum...I guess I need a kit name.. Any thoughts? Reminds me of Sherbet.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Visiting Camp Brinkley:Conrad at Cub Scout Camp

Check out the Cool shades, walking stick and Camp Tee Shirt!

Conrad and Scott were in Snohomish at Camp Brinkely for 3 nights and 4 fun filled days. The first day rained and Scott left his pillow behind, and his sleeping bag got soaked. Conrad loved the BB gun shooting range, and actually is a very good shot. They enjoyed the silly singalong songs during mealtime and campfires every night.

We went on a day visit to see them.
I stayed a short time. Arriving just before lunch, having lunch in the cafeteria style covered shelter, and leaving shortly afterwards.

Conrad got a new knife, green camp shirt, and alot of fun memories.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Calling Cards

Calling cards are cute and I am making this one for me.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Pontiac Frame Arrives

The Pontiac frame purchased in Oregon was delivered. What a little cute delivery dog! The frame was placed on the tail of a delivery to a Lexus dealer. I am shocked it only cost $200 to get it here. Scott sure can find sreamin' deals too. As he unloaded the driver motioned to the car and said the car was a $45,000 Lexus, I said I wasn't interested!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Uncle Jason Visits

Most know I have 6 brothers, Yes SIX!!....and let's not forget my sister Laura.

My brother Jason posing with Conrad. Jason came up from Spanish Fork, Utah Saturday and had an eventful few days. Jason toured the countryside high and low with mom reaching out to relatives for his genealogy work. He really saw allot of people. One day they went to S.A.M. (Seattle Art Museum) and he had mom walking around 3 hours. He told mom once they got to the entrance to " Ask abut a wheelchair, Mom". Of course if you know mom, she would prefer that you do this for her.. So you bet she wishes after 3 hours of using her walker that she would of asked. As they headed out she saw the line of wheelchairs and was livid. Oops. Well we all think it will take about 4 days for her to recover.
Kevin came over Tuesday early evening and though I was not feeling that great, we all enjoyed a homemade pan of Lasagna and salad. Jason is then on his way to Newport to his high school class reunion this weekend. Kevin and Jason will drive 1/2 way to Spokane Wednesday to meet up with Aaron, Jason riding the rest of the way to Spokane. The visit was too short, as always, and we hope we can get over to Spokane to see Christine and Aaron, Ian and Aiden end of August, and of course plan a trip back to Utah to see all of the wonderful grandkids as well. (uh, not that Aiden and Ian are not wonderful!)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Very determined

Once Conrad got his Gi that he earned after about a month of (approximately 30 hours of classes)he did a routine called the Ichi (one) or first kata (kata is routine).
He did one for mom, then again for Scott when he got home in the yard. It was impressive.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

We headed to Newburg, OR Saturday. Headed out at 5:30 and arrived about 10:00am. We met with Brian, a serious parts collector of all types of cars, mainly.... You guessed it -- PONTIACS. Scott found out that his frame was too riddled with rust that it would be more cost efficient to buy an entire new frame. So off to Oregon. The frame was in great shape, surface rust only. It will be shipped up later. We took the scenic route home to Astoria and hit Long Beach on the way to see the ocean.
It was a beautiful day. Very fun.

Distressed blue paper credits: Maryannwise of DSD, all other digital credits to Sahlin Studios "Grunge" Kit.

Friday, July 8, 2011

07/07/11 - Conrad gets his Gi and White Belt!

A very momentous occasion! Conrad gets his Gi and White Belt!
We will celebrate by taking him to dinner his choice this evening.

Way to go!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Altered photos - Aucken Fountain, Germany

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Using the "Grunge" Digikit by Sahlin Studios

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Almost a week in a snapshot...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

This weekend we were laid back, but still had a great time.

Saturday is a blurr, I don't really recall what we did.
Sunday, all four of us went to Tech City Bowl in Kirkland and bowled! Conrad, as usual kicked our butt's.
Monday, Scott and I took Conrad to see the Green Lantern. It was ok. (Don't tell, but now that I am older, I actually fall asleep in the movies...Embarrassing, especially if I start a little snort and wake myself up... Uggghhh).
We got caught up after the movie with Scott online desperately trying to get a frame for the Pontiac, the frame he has is riddled with rust holes and this weekend we might go on a road trip to Oregon to bring back a frame...
And apologizing, once he got out of the room and I said, did you call the family? It was too late....My honey means well, (they know he means well, but he needs to call more often).
I am no better about calling...
Sorry guys! Let us know what you did this weekend!
2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.