Wednesday, July 29, 2015

StampNation Guest Designer (July 29): - CA Beach Vacation - Day at the Zoo!

StampNation Guest Designer - Week 4

Hey...Hey ..Hey..... Here I am again!

This is my last week at the inspiration station of StampNation!!  

Please check out membership, so much to see and be inspired by!!

This week the Inspiration
 is to Design or use a printed background inspired by
the zoo, get the idea!

Pretty Cool Huh!!

Here is my Sneak Peek:..............................

I hope that you are up for NEW challenges too!
A NEW realm of possibilities!
I hope you can check it out
 and see what I mean.

---------------------------------Thanks for popping by!!------------------------------------
Now it is your turn to get crafty!!!............

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

YOU'RE the COOLEST muse!

The AWESOME MUSE card club designer

And my laid back take...Cause you know, 
if Kimberly is not doing touristy things near a beach, 
she will nap there!
.........Just like this!
Okay I use an umbrella.....

And some MORE Penguin CUTENESS!!


Now it is your turn to get crafty!!!............

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

CASology: Wings!

Savvystamps are amazing.
I have no idea how many I have...I have ALOT.
Impress carries so many, and since
that is the staple brick and mortar store
around here, well..that is what is there.
And they are terrific too!

CASology - JOIN US!

Sponsor:  7 Kids College Fund

606D Criss Cross Sketch Butterfly
606C Stripe Sketch  Butterfly
1034 Zig Zag Butterfly

This weekend was fantastic.
I joined friends at Impress for a few classes.

    Kelly Purkey taught a mini album class 
and a class featuring her NEW Holiday Stamps.

Amy, Kimberly and Kate!

We also met Cindi of Savvystamps.... 
that was cool too!

I whispered to Amy..Cindi designs for Savvy
..Amy says, ...Umm she IS Miss SAVVY...
"Oh." I replied.
Umm Cool......!!!!

  Kelly Purkey  Cards!!!

I HOPE you are inspired to Create!!!!

Also be sure to visit the rest of the team too!

Kimberly Wiener --you are here


Now it is your turn to get crafty!!!............

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Monday, July 27, 2015

I quite like your smile......Especially when it rains!

Well ..the heat wave is over.
I say YAY to that.  

The rain is a refreshing change.
Especially for me, a born and bred Washingtonian of
Scandinavian decent..I have snow in my blood 
and love the the heat...I basically melt.
Wish it were not so true.

I hope that you all are well.
Here is my card for the color Throwdown and
CTS this week..
Have a great week my friends.


---------------------------------Thanks for popping by!!------------------------------------
Now it is your turn to get crafty!!!............

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Friday, July 24, 2015

Some Odd Birthday....

Fun coloring tonight.
LOVE that it is Friday night.

I am going to take 2 Kelly Purkey
 classes tomorrow!!!
Wooot Wooooot!!

If you do not know who Kelly Purkey is..
Some of her designs are at Hero Arts!

Tomorrow I have 2 classes...
One is a Foodie Mini Scrap journal, 
the other is 
her NEW holiday stamp cards!!!!
(I have already called ahead and reserved the sets I scrambling for me!)


Balloon Kaylee Clear Stamp Set


Now it is your turn to get crafty!!!............

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Thursday, July 23, 2015

StampNation Guest Designer (July 22): - CA Beach Vacation - Day at the Beach!

StampNation Guest Designer - Week 3


This week the Inspiration
 is Designing a FUN in the sun card!!!

Here is my Sneak Peek:..............................

Ackkkkkkkk I LOVE it!!!!!

I hope that you are up for NEW challenges too!
A NEW realm of possibilities!
I hope you can check it out
 and see what I mean.

---------------------------------Thanks for popping by!!------------------------------------
Now it is your turn to get crafty!!!............

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Congrats ColourQ - You brighten my day!

Hooooray ColourQ!
Congrats on 300 challenges!! 

Now it is your turn to get crafty!!!............

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Could Not Could NOT WAIT.......

To see Marika Rahtu's card for

I have been admiring all of Marika's work.
If you go check her blog, and pinterest, she has so many clean cards sharing her creations of Penny Black, Altenew, and Purple Onion Stamps.

I asked her if she would want to 
Guest on MUSE Christmas Visions with us, 
and I am still smiling that she said yes!

I adore her inky creations and so will you!

I LOVE her card for this weeks MUSE-CV.
Stacked presents with sweet pups!

I must confess that it was Marika's 
marvelous creations that
 (made me)
 inspired me to buy some purple onion stamps.  
A great sale awhile back, well....that helped too!

Here is my take on her stacked presents and pups.

I made owls delivering presents! ..Up..Up and away!

And just like on Marika's blog, close ups too!

GRAB the badge and JOIN us!

---------------------------------Thanks for popping by!!------------------------------------
Now it is your turn to get crafty!!!............

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

---StampNation Post Tomorrow!!!!!


Stay tuned to see my SNEEK PEEK
tomorrow for my Stamp Nation Guesting this month!

2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.