Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3:52pm The Adoption is FINAL!

Congratulations! It is a BOY!! What a cute young man. The judge was happy after hearing all kinds of cases, that we were the last happy case for the day. 
He presented Conrad with a teddy bear to commemorate the happy occasion.

 We were so happy to finalize the adoption that we went out to a snazzy dinner at the Lighthouse restaurant in Port Orchard.
 I went to this restaurant years ago with my dad and his wife. I loved it then, and it is still very beautiful overlooking the bay.   I gave them a call to tell them I was thinking about them on this special day.
The Gingerbread house in the Lighthouse restaurant lobby
Cocoa and a killer puzzle on the menu
photos of the town square driving by
cooler pic all blurry!
more of what the square actually looks like lit up.. and once Scott stopped the car at the stop sign!
Once we got home we took our stocking downstairs (leaving our other gifts for when we return form holiday) and opened our stockings and had mom open all her gifts.  No sense for her to wait!  Conrad loves his hat from Marlene, and I love my bear he says, I will call him Smoky.  And I especially love the Santa Coal nuggets of gum.
lots of stocking stuffers
I DO have a CLUE, a new Clue Game!!
Harry Potter Clue, thanks Kerry and Rob McDaniel!
Mom got several items, but she could not put down the Stephen King Illustrated Companion!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night ...before we go to Missouri!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sharp new haircut!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mom's Tree

Mom's tree was all silver and blues sparkly.

 Angel in white topper

on the Mantle pictures on Laura, Jason , and Kevin with Santa

Snowman, Yarn wreath, and our homemade ornament

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Vanguard Cheer!

Tuesday was full of excitement when we received an e-mail announcement to have a cup of cheer starting at 8am.  We all gathered 'round, and what did we see?  A latte stand in the main conference room, with cookies delivered to our  desks, a basket more and  cutie pie Krispy Kreme donuts. 

We all took a seat and took a breath and chatted about our upcoming holiday traditions. Some celebrate traditionally, and some celebrate traditionally Jewish.

We have a salesman that is from Argentina and he spoke of the tradition to have the Christmas tree outside, and they get together and it is normal to have a Santa Suit in the homes, with someone dressing up as Santa and hand our a few gifts and then disappear, to return as a party guest. The adults stay up all night and into the next day celebrating.

I had a Pumpkin Spice Latte..Yummmmm
This break from 8-9 was really nice.
It would be nice if this was the start of an office tradition.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Inspiration Project : December Daily

I love to make mini albums.  My preferred size is 5x7 or smaller.  I guess I have a style all my own when it comes to the mini albums, however the artist I believe I am most similar to (or strive to want to be like) is Ali Edwards.    and I I gravitate to want to do projects like hers.  Yearly Ali has a project called the December Daily.  It chronicles all the fun and cheer of the holidays in the days leading up to Christmas in a structured album.  She creates numbered and dated pages to "drop" pictures and journal later on.  I will be doing this for the first time this year.  I already started an album about our trip to Missouri for Christmas, inspired by her December Dailies, but I decided to use her format for more of a clean uniform look.  I tend not to journal as much as Ali does on her projects, though on this project I will push myself to add more journaling.  I only had about 4 pages, and I incorporated them just fine onto the printed cardstock.

I have already created 25 7x5 pages and have 1/2 primarily decorated.  I used her 2011 6x8.5 Daily Overlays from Designer  I changed the set up from 6x8.5 to my preferred scaled down 7x5 size. As you can see from the example, you can add a scrap strip beside the numbered and day box adding whatever embellishments you choose.  I happily worked on this for 4 hours last night (when I should have been cleaning the kitchen).  If you are interested in seeing more of Ali Edwards current project on the December Dailies, Click on the below: to go to Ali Edwards blog.

Ali Edwards Blog

Monday, December 19, 2011

Site under construction.... Thanks for your patience :)

I am trying on my own to re size the blog html and re size photos. I will have to use a photo sharing site, which I don't currently do to manage size formatting. So for now the site will look a little strange until I can get my photos to be larger like I want them to be.  I hope that the outcome will be cool.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My drink: Starbuck's Grande Caramel Brulee 1/2 shot

Occasionally, and especially during the holidays when we are sightseeing in Missouri, I will indulge in a Starbuck's grande cup of warm sweet cheer.  Last year it was the Cinnamon Dulce Latte.  This year, the Caramel Brulee.   The red snowman covered cups bring a smile to my face every time.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My boys

I put this page together with digital finds from all over my collection.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nibbling ..Nuggets..

Friday, December 16, 2011

Quick take a video..I am a zombie

Friday, December 16, 2011

Dear Santa:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gift for Baby Baylor

I offered as way of a shower gift to paint a picture for baby Baylors room.  The one below is a complimented reproduction of the one Kimmie really liked.  The other two are my design using the same characters.  Not too bad.

I finished the first one a while ago, and the next ones just in time for Christmas!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sahlin Studios Season of Giving Quick Pages

I absolutely LOVE Sahlin studios digi quick pages.  Just drop pics in resize, and you have a super cute modern page layout.
Once we get back from Christmas in Missouri, I will be able to throw pages together quickly.  Cute stuff, like sugar plums, cupcakes, and green Christmas tree cookies.

Monday, December 12, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas 2011

Scott said that we are not here for Christmas, so why put up a tree?  I always do it anyways, and I am glad I do.  Why, it is good to have change.  And a festive atmosphere is a good change.

Our Tree 2011
Silver, with Green, Red & White Stripes

Old St Nick
Father Christmas Glass ornaments
Cool Snowflakes sparkle.  It is usually the least expensive ornaments I love the most, like this 1.99 snowflake.

The roly poly jolly snowmen I place along the banister

 Conrad's 1s ornament
Isn't JOY always filled with chocolates?
 Felt reindeer

 Santa's plate

2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.