Sunday, November 30, 2014

Preparing for December Daily...

All that glitters is GOLD..............
(lots of photos here folks)

December Daily is the "one story per day" philosophy of Ali Edwards. You can see here project outline for ideas at here blog:
Ali Edward

Being well prepared is essential in readying yourself for this journey.  Select your design, Album type and overall theme.
For me, I am halfway there if I can do this in a timely manner!  

This year I want to go GLITZ and gold!  Sparkle and shimmer...The Magic of Christmas!

 The album size the works for me is 5x7.  I use American Crafts Modern Albums and discontinued We R Memory Keepers Raw Goods collection photo protectors.

Some of the items I have collected so far.  I will also be die cutting several dies in golds and glitter paper for my album and posting them as well. 


Here is the last album I have posted before 2012...I know I did a 2013..just not sure where I stashed it.... Anyways, here are my past pages.


December Daily is documenting the days to Christmas.
Here is what I have so far, I have added one journal page so you can see that on the left hand side (or back sides) of the pages, they are fully journaled, though I haven't added them all here.
Absolutely love the felt fluffy stars with silver

Supplies: American Crafts Album
Page Protectors: WeR Memory Keepers 5x7
Digital: Katie Pertiet and Ali Edwards
JBarretts Kitchy Digitals 
Stickers: Me and MyBigIdeas
Font: PrissyFrat Boy
Ribbons: American Crafts and Martha Stewart

December starts with the winning TBirds hockey game.
Conrad goes with the scouts and brings a friend too.

Conrad puts on the tree topper star in his Marvel Pajamas he received last year for Christmas from Gramma Karin.

The glittery Reindeer for the wreath on the front door. 
Love the red against the black.

Large glittery Believe I put atop the TV cabinet.  Decorating the house is so much fun when I have help!

The banister Roly -Poly Snowmen.  Conrad has the tradition of helping setting these guys up just so!

Dustin, Conrad and I put out lights in the yard this year!

Wow finished the cover of the Christmas Album!

Admiring all the sparkle of this years tree!  Silver, Red, and snowmen!

The scouts had an event of a movie.  The Rise of the Guardians, Super awesome.

Journaling about December movies..and scouts..

Making cards for Christmas, loved it!
I put a snippet of my favorite paper of the season here...Lovely dark navy with glitter snowflakes.

Sights around the house.  During the 25 days of Christmas I bring out all of my vintage family photos for a warm feeling.

Sometimes something small is a miracle.  Of course I am a huge coffee...correction, latte lover.  My usual is Cinnamon Dolce....add a little sea salt please!

A wonderful surprise visit from a little Angel.  Our operations manager brought in her newborn!  What a special treat!

Growing up right before our eyes.  His baby cheeks are making way for more defined bone to be such a little man.

I love this photo of my little helper.

Dinner at the Olive Garden with my sweet boys.
Scott says when his family sees this, they will think he looks like a poor homeless man.. Well, he does need a trim
.... But to me, he looks just terrific.
It is a great night!  In a few years my honey just may look like Santa.....

Cookie Exchange for Scouts: 
I love my vintage Hallmark Cookie Cutter... I lost it and thank goodness for e-bay bought another one...unpacking for the move when we bought our house, I found both...Yay!

Sweet boy.  Homework first.  That's the ticket!
taking photos in unexpected angles  (like from above) added some interest...

Card making at least 2 a week.
Karin's Cookies arrived, wow, these will disappear fast! ...Oh Scott took them and hid them from me!  Scott's mom makes the most delicious cookies ever!!!!

Red Glitter!

I have a few typos, and you know..I let them slide.

It is a part of me....sometimes I mess it up! 

And it is fine that it is not perfect...Actually makes me laugh when I see them...

After Karate, during the long way home Bellevue Way to Kirkland, we stopped at the house with the large wreath on the roof!.. Well you can't see it in this photo.. it was so covered in lights...Such a sight!!  Sparkly bling -a-bling!

His pals... 

Fun packaging of some cookies...I could not part with the box, so I folded it and added it to the album..The cookies were actually good.

Conrad celebrated his "official" one year birthday from the date we adopted him on Friday. He loved it.
All the attention, the cake, blowing out the candle, and just having a special time with all of us around.

Some journaling.  This size is good for me.. I am more of a "talker" then writer!  I also want my images to speak for me...

We went to the Crystal Creek Cafe today for a late lunch - early dinner. It was quiet and nice. 

The prime rib dip and fries hit the spot.  I enjoyed a piece of strawberry rhubarb pie ala mode.

Bottom half is transparency page....

Time to see who's naughty or nice.  
The shelf elf's will report back to Santa tonight.

Transparency Page.  Like Ali Edwards does, I have a few transparency pages adding a few stickers for fun..

The bottom of this picture is all the presents wrapped up!
Love the shelf elves.

(Thanks Charlene and Ro!)

I have not had my phone very long. So I have not really played with taking videos. I couldn't locate the flip fast enough, so I took a clip of mom reading Twas the Night Before Christmas. Of course it was sideways when I viewed it... Whooops.

This is one of my favorite mom and the night before Christmas....on the night before Christmas...

Christmas day was a whirlwind, frenzied excitement...I did get a few pictures so I was thrilled to add this one to my album.

And the excitement of it all:

And the finished album...

If you are gazing at my pages... you too are intrigued by the every day magic that leads to Christmas. I love to look at other December Daily posts just for a peek at every day magical moments and just sigh a big sigh knowing that others are enjoying this season as well. 
So I am thankful.

 I sure hope this year I will stay ontop of it!!!

Friday, November 28, 2014

PNW Crafting Tomorrow - CAS(E) this Sketch!!!

PNW Card Crafting Group is a group
that Amy Tsuruta started for PNW Crafters to
get together.  Mostly Bloggers, though there are some
that do not blog so much too.

There should be a good 9 or 10 of us tomorrow!

We will be getting together tomorrow and meeting

I ADORE Vicki's BOLD designs
So this card is inspired by her style!

Can't wait until tomorrow!!!!
I have made some card kits, with this design, though 
I will have coral and reds for the blooms instead of my crazy 
blues and crimson wine colors...

I'll post you up after......

Posting to CAS(E) this sketch
(None Other!)

Thanks for coming by my blog!


Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Where I buy my Stampin' Up!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Tis the Season --- for Red White and Green Freshly Made Merry Monday!

Just playing with this Close to My Heart Set
 that I got at the 
Bellevue Creating Keepsakes Expo

Happy Holidays from 
My mom's cat 
This is her, come play with me pose!

Now my is YOUR turn to get crafty!

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Where I buy Stampin' Up!


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Quiet Day for a ColourQ

Quiet Day for a ColourQ

Hope your Thanksgiving was blessed 
and wonderful.
I have a lot to be thankful for!

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Create, Enjoy
Live, Laugh

Where I buy Stampin' Up!
Where I buy Close to My Heart!
2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.