Tuesday, January 14, 2014

CASology CUE Card #77: Dot!

This week's cue is so much FUN!


We were OH SO LUCKY 
to have Neat and Tangled as our SPONSOR!
They so generously let all of the Design Team members play with a set 
of our very own!!
This set I am showcasing is FUN, hip and TRENDY!
And pretty versatile.
It can be for Everyday cards like this one, 
or for a more personal message like my second card,
as well as for birthdays!
So it really can handle many occasions

Inks: Dew Drop Brilliance Pearlescence Sky Blue, 
Pearlescence Orchid
Memento Tuxedo Black
Large DOT Sentiments:


Please visit the Wonderful Designers of CASology
The CAS Dream Team that brings you
the CUE's to 
each week!

Kimberly Wiener- You are here!!!

Our WONDERFUL Guest Designer this week is: RADHIKA of Hobby Crafts!!

I also made this card for the 1st FUSION Challenge with this set!
And for Neat and Tangled Challenge I did this card with the same set

----EDIT TO ADD That Today I was selected as a 
For this card!!!!

And this card was for Carol M's Surprise Birthday Blog Hop that Bev of Happy Dance threw
you can visit the post  (HERE)
I created this with the Neat and Tangled
Across the Card Sentiment!

Enjoy your day and create a craft beautiful life!

Rosemary said...

you always amaze me with your creativity, kimberly! absolutely love the first card with its brilliant design!

Jen W. said...

You have blown the dots out of the water, girl! LOL! I love all of these - so varied and fun! The funky angle on the first one rocks and the plethora of pink spots on the last one made me smile! :)

Ardyth said...

HELLO! OMG, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what you've done with this set! LOL!

Judy1223 said...

Kimberly, you ROCKED this stamp set! Super cards all over this post! I love your subtle touches of patterned paper, too...and still CAS!

ScrapaDiddle said...

Thanks for having so many cards for us. They are all lots of fun!

Radhika said...

Amazing cards.. love all the varieties using one stamp set .. love the pattern paper touch in the CAS card..:)

~amy~ said...

super duper FUN!

Shannon J said...

First card: clean, graphic, PERFECT! Love the confetti card too - love how you jazzed it up with those sequins - SO pretty! You already know I love the other two ;) !!!

cm said...

Blogger mayhem has me sprinting to catch up - again - but here I am (I hope my comments stay put this time), applauding your amazing dot cards! when you receive a comment from Ardyth that's in capitals, you know your cards are awesome x 100000! She's said it all and she's right!!! Hugs~c

Anonymous said...

Never did dots look so good ! Such versatile use of the dottiness each one super, dynamic and beautifully crafted. You are a riot of inspiration.


Joyce said...

What a bunch of dotty and Neat & Tangled goodness here on your blog. I am really loving the big dots and the tilt. I see that I am terribly behind, trailing your creativity. Off to go catch up.

Tracey McNeely said...

Kimberly love your dotty card, the tilt is awesome. Love your other cards too. You always inspire me.

Lee-Anne said...

Fun and clever designs...awesome cards, Kimberly!

2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.