Monday, January 13, 2014

NO Card... On a Personal [very] Note

Well, I am camera shy....

And you wouldn't know it to see from my DT picture, but last April, I topped the scales at ___ lbs.
Our flight to Hawaii was very uncomfortable for me. Let's just say people at my weight have issues on the plane if they need to use the lavatory.
We were weighed when we had a helicopter ride around the island.
That is when I was told the shocking truth.
I had no idea I weighted 262. (?!!)  I thought I weighed at least 35lbs less.
Still large, but not really noticing I jumped from a size 20 straight to 24.
I mean, I wasn't really bigger was I, I think I was just trying to be comfortable..That is what I told myself.  But being told by a stranger my weight, well it was shock.

The plane ride back about did me in. I swore that I would not be this big at Christmas when we went to Missouri.

I changed my eating.  No more skipping breakfast with only sweet creamed coffee (though I changed to sugar free, I will NEVER give up my coffee, LOL!)

I did lose weight.
Here are my transition photos.
Here is me now- this very minute...
Here is what I am doing.

Now.....still heavy, but on my way!!!
Size 15

I told myself I need to eat better, Fruit, Veggies, and less sugar,
A way of life, not a whim.
It was not easy.
It still is not easy.
NEVER give up, and take the setback, but pick yourself off and start the day right!

How much did I lose?  
I officially lost (due to when I started blogging)
Unofficially, since the guy on Hawaii weighed me
56 lbs!

3-4 days a week.  Weekend, eat what you usually eat, only make substitutions for bread, rice, pasta.
For Example I love breakfast,  instead of my pancake, and corn beef hash, I eat 2 eggs over easy or poached on dry toast, with bacon.  Or I can the next weekend, ask for the cornbeef hash, no toast, no hashbrowns, you get the drift.

I tried my best to stick to 1200-1500 calories 4 days a week. The other days, just MAKE BETTER decisions.  Tell yourself you are not dieting, you are making a life change for the better.  So eventually when you no longer need to stick to calories, you already will be doing the right thing making better lifelong choices!!!!!

- 6:30 am Large Thermos Coffee with Hazelnut SF Creamer and 2 Sweeteners   

7:00 AM Breakfast:   1 & 1/2 C Mixed Frozen Fruit, topped with  1 or 2 low cal (90) Yogurt
I have mixed pineapple and mango with blueberries. Alternate with raspberries and cherries.
This concoction is frozen, and I eat this over a period of 2 hours at my desk

if you feel you are hungry, lessen the yogurt and give yourself the one you did not eat at 9:00

10:00 AM 180 Cal Protein Bar 
I eat Luna Nutz over Chocolate, I nibble it.. 

12:00 Subway Salad Double Chicken (gradually change to honey mustard and not other dressings, NO Cheese) Alternate with Sub Sandwich Wheat with all veggies turkey, ham and again turn to Honey mustard)
Though Chose to omit eating bread, rice, pasta.
ZERO Vitamin Water
Water as well
2:00 1/90 cal yogurt

3:00 PM  180 Cal Protein Bar 
5:00 PM  Lite salad 

You will be hungry at night if you are me.  Many a time I called my late night working husband whining because I was hungry.  Allow yourself 1 piece of cheddar, break it up in smaller pieces, or a cup of fruit, or a handful of nuts. Just tell yourself you can do it!

I also kept a blog, and religiously weighed myself every week for 6 months.  HERE IS THE BLOG if you want to keep up with my losses.  POUNDS FOR PENNIES
There is not alot of chatter mostly a picture and our progress.  (hopefully Scott will lose this time too!)

Oh did I exercise, No.  After 6 months, the weight stayed, then the holidays came and went and 11 pounds came back.  I jumped back on the plan the 1st week of January and proud to say that I have lost 3.5 lbs!

MOST IMPORTANT:  Commit to what you like to eat (choosing better items) and set up a routine, and buy the food for a week or 2 in advance if you can. PLAN IT, and you will make it happen!

For Christmas Scott bought me an elliptical machine ( I really wanted it as that would save me from the gym, I was paying for but too embarrassed to keep it up) so the treadmill went to the garage, being heavy it was so jarring on my joints, and now my goal is at week 3 start the elliptical,  small steps, I don't just jump in, I warm up and then ease into exercise.  

Wish me luck all -thanks for taking the time. If you have any questions, please visit my other blog!! POUNDS FOR PENNIES

Disclaimer: I do not promote this diet, please consult your doctor before significantly changing your routine or eating habits.

Hannelie said...

Congrats to you!
Well done!

Jane said...

WOW! You're doing so well and looking good. You know you can do it, so keep it up!

Gillian R said...

Well done Kimberley. It's not easy losing weight and changing your lifestyle habits. I am currently doing the same. Although I have managed to add the gym into my routine now and I now love it! Keep going I know you can do it

Jen W. said...

Big huge hugs to you, Kimberley! You are an inspiration! Thank you for your honest and realistic view of trying to lose weight. I hate reading all these stories of people who just wake up and change their entire lifestyle and completely transform themselves instantly. It's not that easy. Keep on keeping on, girl. You rock!

Claire said...

Huge congrats Kimberly - that's a fantastic look amazing!

Anita in France said...

Wow, what an achievement, Kimberly ... well done! Anita :)

~amy~ said...

♥♥you're awesome♥♥

Ardyth said...

Good for you! Generally, I think people should not worry too much about their weight, but more about making good choices (I work on that every. single. day.!) but when your weight prevents you from enjoying life, it's time to take control, just like you've done! Well done, my friend. The more I get to know you, the more awesome I think you are!

Benzi said...

Yea! for you...keep up the good work. What a wonderful accomplishment.

Kristie Goulet said...

Congratulations! You look great!!!

@JoyceCasaldi said...

Way to go!

cm said...

Kimberly, thank you for sharing your 'story' with us and what an inspiration it is! Your decision to change patterns, combined with your commitment and perseverance to make things happen is further evidence of what a remarkable person you are. You're one who 'walks her talk' and the result - a happier, healthier you - is something you can be proud of accomplishing. You look fabulous! Sharing your strategies offers encouragement and incentive to all of us who want to make transformations in our own ways. Applauding and cheering for you!! You're remarkable!!

!neke said...

Go on, you look great!
Xx !neke

Katie Ann Brooks said...

Congratulations to you Kimberly! Way to stick with it and keep working. Your photo looks lovely! I am working on similar goals, hopefully I can use your story as inspiration. :)

Joni Andaya said...

Wow! Kimberly you are so AWESOME!!! You are looking good :) I know you will get there will all your dedication :)

Shannon J said...

You look amazing, Kimberly! Your dedication and commitment to changing your lifestyle is so inspirational. Never an easy thing to do, but so worth it when you see results and feel good, happy and healthy! So, so proud of you - this is SUCH a big accomplishment. You are AWESOME!!! Your friend, Shannon xo

Rosemary said...

YOU.ARE.AMAZING, KIMBERLY!! congrats to you for taking charge and changing your life!!

Tina W. said...

That is awesome...keep up the great work! :-)

Anonymous said...

Well done you :) What a fantastic achievement-I can't believe the difference between the first two photos-be proud-be VERY proud,hugs,Nessa xxxxx

Anonymous said...

You look fabulous !!!! You are such a strong woman and thank you so much for sharing your journey with us all it is so inspirational. Good luck and stay strong.


Joyce said...

Oh, my. You are truly amazing. Congratulations on what you have achieved and all the changes you have made to get there. It is easy to skip something one day. But to keep at it day after day after week into months--that is really something. Hugs to you and way to go.

Lyndal said...

FABULOUS effort Kimberly, here's to you and your more healthy lifestyle :) :) :)

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