Sunday, January 26, 2014



Today was funny.  I pulled alot of my stamps out, they are in a jumbles mess in
plastic bins, and wanted to go get more organizing bins for them,
maybe smaller, or I don't know.
Well AMY T sent a photos of a small bin, and they were pretty cool.
I thought, wow those are so cute, I can't afford those.
I proceeded to buy some 40% off bins at Michael's.
uggh they didn't fit right in the shelves.I could only fit in two...
Just a little smaller and three would squeeze..but no.

I read her post again... Did she say $ spot at Target... That means $1.  (?!!!)
Well, Target there I went. 
 I actually went to 2 the first one had 6, the second a few more.
I also was already on my way to buy some sleeves at Office Depot to put the clear sets in..
So Today, alot of organizing.

Here are a few Before's

On the left is my Dies, What a MESS.
On the Right, a typical bin of stamps.  Bleccchhh.

Okay, Now I have organized the embossing folders, 
and below the dies, look awesome.
I still have alot of Savvy Stamps Dies that will be organized...
The mini Target bins fit  4 to the shelf, and not squeezed, just right!!!!!

I have a shelf just for Wood Mount Christmas!...
Now if only all of them were there............eeeeegads.
Eventually., I am getting there slowly

So if I purchased 9 mini bins, that is $9.
The slightly larger White Wire Mesh Bins from Micheal's were on sales for $3.99
9 x 3.99 = $35.91 +tx
I will be taking those back saving almost $27!!
So YAY!!

On the downside I really need a lot of those sleeves.  
I ran through 100 already...
And I haven't even gotten to my Stampendous...Inkadinkadoo, Fresh Squeezed, Avocado Arts... Basically everything Misc. else..
or the 2 bins full of PTI.. 

Hey, in the end, I will be FABULOUSLY organized!

Ardyth said...

Those white bins are super cute! I love seeing how people organize. Thanks for this peek!

~amy~ said...

I'm coming over to play!

Shannon J said...

I was just over at Amy T's oogling about how much I love the way she's got her inks and wood mounts organized, and now look at you!!! FABULOUS!! And what a deal!! Pays to shop around, huh?!! Now you have $27 to spend on new stamps and supplies - ha ha!! :)

Tina W. said...

Love it! I'm in the midst of organizing all of my clear stamps too...I'll have to share photos the next time we get together for Card Club!

Michelle said...

Those are SO cute! I love your organization. I'm both impressed AND envious. You rock!

Tracey McNeely said...

Kimberly your organizing is fabulous, love how you labelled your bins by manufacturer! I have been organizaing again this weekend. My paper pads are bursting out of the bins now and I need another package of clear sleeves. It never ends---I think because I keep buying!!!!

Katie Ann Brooks said...

This looks great! I am so envious of your space and org and I love the bins.

Vicki Dutcher said...

Awesome organizing! Isn't it fun the way we stampers share those $1 buys! Nice score on the baskets - and they look fabulous!

Joyce said...

I love seeing how people organize their stash. those dollar bins look fantastic. You did a great job today.

Judy1223 said...

Brilliant! Hmmm...I wonder if Target is still open, I wouldn't mind grabbing a few of those bins!

Radhika said...

I Love to see how other crafters organize their craft supplies.. You have a great collection of stamps and lovely organization in mesh bins with label.. love those white bins..:)

Jane said...

Pretty bins and I love your display of wooden stamps. I'm guessing you used CD storage racks for the shelves, clever idea.

Kim Heggins said...

Oh...I love your organization! would mind coming over to my craft room to help? This is fabulous and I love those bins, I am heading for Target tomorrow morning! Thank you for all the inspiration!

cm said...

*Egads* indeed, at how shopper-savvy and organization-brilliant you are! Your 'before' photo IS mirrors the current reality of my stash exactly. I craft on a corner of the kitchen 'room' to leave things in disarray, and a small bookshelf in a corner, along with a wee desk in the living room, are my 'storage units.' Small, small, smallllllll space for me and my goods. Your little bins, however, 'might' do just the trick for, to find a Target store somewhere....LOVE your organization photos and seeing the super cool stuff you have!! More to visit...I'm so enjoying this trip...Hugs~c

Jen W. said...

This is looking fabulous! I love the display of woodblock Christmas stamps! So fun and festive! And I'm jealous that you can just pop out to all those stores. :( Although for the sake of my wallet it's probably good that I can't! :D

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