Wednesday, January 1, 2014

One Layer Simplicity Challenge!

One Layer Simplicity Challenge!

The Design Team

If you count yourself in the number of FANS of  SIMPLE CAS one Layer (and Ardyth Percy-Robb), then you MUST visit this challenge!
THE second I saw Ardyth's card, I ran to my stash and made this card.  YAY, another CAS that has a wonderful DT for AMAZING inspiration!!

Here's how the new challenge works.

1. New Blog. All One-Layer Simplicity challenges will be posted right here on this brand-new blog, simply and beautifully designed by our own Ardyth. This means you no longer have to search five blogs for our one-layer challenge. It will always be right here. 

2. Monthly Challenge. The One-Layer Simplicity Challenge is a monthly challenge. A new challenge will be posted by one of our five design-team members on the first of each month and will be open to entries through midnight EST on the 24th, when the InLinkz collection will close. 

3. Highlight Week. The last week of each month will be Highlight Week. Making successful clean-and-simple, one-layer cards requires attention to detail, and we want to encourage your creativity in using your stamps, ink, and embellishments for maximum minimalist impact! So our design team will highlight some of our favorite details from among the entries for that month, calling out those little touches that really make CAS cards special. 

For those of you struggling with making minimalist cards, we hope our Highlight Week posts help you grow in confidence. For those of you who already love making minimalist cards, we sure hope you have fun playing along!

This Week's (The VERY First) is to do what you NEED.  

I need to Stay in Touch, send OUT my cards, keep closer with friends and family.  (!!)

I used the Mamaelephant Set FAIR FEATHERS and then added a little personal whimsy by
taking a yellow copic and drawing random stars.

Thanks for stopping by!
I hope you have time to squeeze in some wonderful craft time!

Ardyth said...

Kimberly, my enthusiastic friend - I'm so glad you've joined us at OLS! Thank you for all the kind words about me and the DT - so glad to have inspired you to make this fun card and you're right - I also get so involved in making the cards that I often forget to send them!

cm said...

Your card is stunning! I've been shying away from the feather trend, but yours here is drawing me closer! The colour splashes and hand-drawn stars: artsy, eye-catching, delightful! Add to that your wonderful Stay in Touch goal, and the result is one incredibly inspiring post! Sending out more cards: yes, that's a must do for me too. Even though my cards don't compare even a little bit to the stellar ones you make, yours offer incentive and inspiration to improve, learn, grow...Thank you!!

Susan Raihala said...

Ohmygosh, what a great card! I love your colors and how dramatic they are, and the layout works perfectly! Your card makes me wish my feather stamp order from Waltzingmouse was already here!

Thanks so much for promoting the OLS with such a wonderful card!

Shannon J said...

OMG, gah, freakin' awesome! The smattering of colour on that feather...WOW! And the addition of the fun stars...a little whimsy nestled amongst the gorgeous feather - LOVE!

Tenia Nelson said...


Vicki Dutcher said...

Awesome coloring of that feather! Great OL card!!

May Park said...

Your card is eye-catching! Great work!

Anita in France said...

So much energy from such a delicate image, Kimberly ... fantastic colours! Anita :)

Karen Dunbrook said...

I also love the splashes of colour...they really make for such an interesting card.
Thanks for joining us at OLS.

2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.