Saturday, January 4, 2014

Stealing Playtime!

I think that I can honestly say that Mamaelephant is my FAVE
Stamp Company EVER!
I have had crushes, and am sometimes smitten, 
but I am HEAD over PANDA PAWS
 for Mamaelephant!
BOLD and modern sentiments, cute and Whimsical
------I was so excited with this cuteness, I forgot to add this to CAS(E) this sketch... ---------

Mamaelephant Pandamonium           DCWV Whimsical World Paper Pad

Savvy Cityscape Die (Simonsaysstamp)

Hope you get time to play too!

Shannon J said...

Wait just a second here - whaaaaaattt?!! I just saw on your side bar that you have *me* - little ol' ME listed as one of your hot blogs!! Really?!! Awwwww, I am blushing!!!!! THANK YOU!! What a huge honour to have YOU - artist extrodinaire - think that I have a hot blog!!! Gah!!
And YES - you + mamaE = eeeek! You work these stamps so well! I suspect the crush is mutual ;) A match made in heaven! I love their awesome sentiments too - fun, sassy and different! I've got two of their sets so far and will be adding more for sure! Of course, LOVE the card!!!

Lyndal said...

GEORGEOUS card Kimberly - I {heart} Mama Elephant too!!!

cm said...

Whoa - how did I miss these two smoochy pandas! Eeee...cute x a zillion! The pink city-scape is the perfect backdrop for a stolen moment. Brilliant blog title! Yes, love this oodles! And *hand clapping enthusiastically* I, too, am beyond delighted to be on your 'hot blog' roll! I'm not sure I fit that category, so I'll try my utmost to live up to the honour! Thank you for the day-brightening card and the 'belief' in my abilities! Means the world to me! Oh yes, and I'm adding some ME to my wish list - yet another 'don't have' that needs to become a 'have'!! Hugs~c

Joyce said...

Wow, more cute panda stuff. I love this one--very cool to have those buildings in the background.

Amie Kiger (Kigz) said...

So adorable! Love your combination of pandas with the skyline. You are right about their stamps...totally one of my faves! :)

PiecesbyEmily said...

Oh this is so adorable. I love the hot pink building.. LOVE!

~amy~ said... cute! I 'need' this set.

Morag said...

I am with you on the Panda set which is also in my 'happy' box, but I have to say your card made me whoop and the smile is still on my face! Actually have to admit I saw the card via the Cas(e) this Sketch challenge post and could hardly wait for the link to kick in so I could comment on your site! Amazing card and I will now happily browse and anticipate I will be visiting your blog regularly! L-O-V-E this card :)

Joyce said...

So happy to see your name on the winner's post for CAS(E) this sketch. Congrats.

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