Monday, April 30, 2012

Week in the Life: Day 7

Hello Last day of WITL:

First off, I am going to say that little was done yesterday as it was my birthday.  I did take 57 photos and have a First Day "Sun Day" Page all ready to go.  I just pooped out before I could update the blog here with the stuff.  I literally drug myself to bed moaning that I didn't uplink my page.... Well I can do that this evening
Okay, uploading now

The dinner I attended in celebration for some good friend's anniversary (10th) wore me out.  We stayed from 5:30 til 9:30 talking.  It was great.  You know you are getting old when conversation drifts to all the things that you cannot eat anymore, and what it does to you when you do!  Big changes after 30, and after 40. ..(I just turned 43.)

You twenty-somethings, enjoy it all while you can. (Especially the spaghetti sauce, ice cream, and juicy burgers for me!)

First Day Page:

The Pages - Day 7:

The Photos - 57tl:

The Daily Journal Pages:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Album Pages: Woodland Park Zoo 04.09.2011

I will be posting allot of album pages out of order.  I have purchased some great digital kits and really want to use them.  I have the most fun posting the fun adventures, so Slowly I am paging up my photos of special events.  
 Then I can go back and fill in the blanks.

The week in the life will be exactly that, a wonderful week of up to date and current goings on in this household and all around.  I am going to try to keep it ongoing, however I have so many wonderful "fun" times that I have to album page.  SO we will see how it goes. Maybe I will do one current page, and then one older page.  What do you think?  I think that would work out pretty good.

This day last year in April, was a great day. 
We were supposed to meetup with Conrad's scouts troop. 
Though I put Saturday on my calendar, and the actual scout zoo day was Sunday, 
we still had a great time.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week in the Life: Day 6

Like alot of people, I check Facebook to peek in on family and friends.
My older brother Shawn left this photo on fb. 
He has been working on this "art" for quite some time. 
The work is his vision put in ink on his back.  I love how bright and colorful it is!
I knew when I saw it I had to showcase it.

First Day Page:
Not your everyday WITL cover page, I know..  My brother just updated this status on fb.  Scott actually did some design work (very little) on his arm of an angel and a sword.  His themes are angels and swords and medieval. 

The Pages - Day 6:
Conrad and I had some quality time together.  We did some laundry, we did some scrapbooking, and we watched Jumaji.  Today was low key and lazy.
I printed a few pages of 2x2 photos and we punched them out and placed in coin page protectors.  He loved that.   It was neat to see the last few days in thumbnail.
Conrad loved this project.

What you need: 2x2 Punch, awesome photos (I know you have those)
BCW Coin protector pages
This particular brand is the perfect size. I went to a coin shop. without bringing a 2x2 punch photo, and that was a mistake.  ALL protectors are not alike.  The ones at the coins store were of superior quality, however they were not exactly 2x2, the top edge of the photo stuck out, and the width was wider than the W R Memory keepers width.  So the BCW Brand is the way to go if you want fun 2x2 photos pages.  Kids love punching the photos.  The pockets are a little snug fitting the photos in, but if you are careful you will have no problems!

The Photos - 25tl:

The Daily Journal Pages:
I didn't scan these yet, and tomorrow (since it is my birthday) will not get scanned either for a awhile

Friday, April 27, 2012

Week in the Life: Day 5

First Day Page:
This page represents my work. 
This Tuesday will be my 20th year at an Int'l Produce Import Export Co. that ships containers of fresh fruits overseas.
I took some photos around my work today.  I sure wish I would have taken photos of the old office spaces.  It would have been cool to show around this coming week.  A lot of changes over 20 years for sure.

The Pages - Day 5:
Today I felt the photos were an explosion of color!  I love all of Conrad's room bright colors!

The Photos - 82tl:
Very colorful everyday "stuff."  I finally got an elusive photo of my mom and a beautiful one of Lucy her cat!
The Daily Journal Pages:

Friday, April 27, 2012

Posting Everyday Life

So I am sure there are some of you reading this going "Huh?"

Kim, what is the Project Life or 31 things, or Week in the Life?  
And why bother?

Well they are types of ways to document our everyday life and celebrate the "little things" so we can look back on them and see how we have changed, or grown, or remain the same, and cherish those memories.

I like capturing these precious moments.

I also know that when my family comes over, my brothers and sisters can, and will,  sit for hours and talk over moms box of pictures with me.  My goal is to have books that you can easily find the year you are looking for if you are looking for a certain picture, instead of a box rifling through it. (Though honestly for moms pictures, I like that aspect as you never know what you will come across, and there is a beauty in that.)

Family and friends may ask,  "So where is Scott in your pictures on these projects?"


Taking a candid picture of Scott is almost like capturing Bigfoot. 

However I do have a few pictures and will be adding them.  He is so silly.  He gives me the pirate look, and if you know him you know what I mean, for every picture.  I will try to catch him off guard.  It is hard to sneak up on him.  I may have to set the camera on a timer and cross my fingers.

I love hearing feedback, so let me know if you want to see something in particular or have ideas!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Week in the Life: Day 4

I found it harder to today to be motivated.  The sameness of my routine emphasized things for me that I want to change.  This is a good thing.
"I just realized that I posted the tab for Monday, this shows how tired I am when I finally post these.  I will update this tonight!" Okay, I fixed this....

First Day Page:
He wanted me to wake him up this morning:

The Pages - Day 4:
Garbage Day, Sleepy Head, Breakfast, the Normal Commute:

The Photos - 46tl:

The Daily Journal Pages:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week in the Life: Day 3

Hello today!

 I found that today was about less photos, and more about routine.  
My routine is repetitive during the day, since I have a day desk job that is pretty routine.   

Tomorrow I will embrace the everyday and see a story within the day.
Happy WITL!

First Day Page:

The Pages - Day 3:

The Photos - 44tl:

The Daily Journal Pages:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week in the Life: Day 2

Good Morning Day! 
Well I wanted to go to bed earlier, so I didn't add my journaling on the page, and I have a half completed last day page that is not added. 
I will have extra time in between Conrad's Karate classes Wednesday, I will be catching up then.  My goal is to spend enough time, but not stress and not lose the fun.

And if you are tired, go to bed and rest! 

First Day Page:
The Pages - Day 2:

The Photos - 84tl:
The Daily Journal Pages:

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