Monday, June 9, 2008

Family: Great Grandpa George Berg

When I was young Great Grandpa George lived in a small trailer behind Grandma Anne's in Suquamish. Grandpa looked exactly like this picture and I knew that he was sometimes hard to understand having a strange accent. I understood later that when he was 16 he travelled from Norway to the US to live. All I knew when I was little is that he was a fisherman through and through and he really liked to eat all kinds of smelly fish!
Maybe he passed his love of the Sea to me, I will never know. I do know that the Puget Sound is the place I love and the oceans and Sea must be around me.
The tide sings a melody, the moon a lullaby.. And at night if you listen close you will hear the sighs of the ones that are caught in the enchanting mystery of it's song...
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