This got me to thinking about Scott's sisters and how I wish they were up here or I was down there so they could be more a part of the wedding. Like a flash it "popped" into my head.... That little rhyme..
Something old, Something new
Something borrowed, Something blue, ....
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.
So I grabbed a Starbuck's and scuttled home fast to call Scott's mom Karin.
How perfect!!! there are 3 sister's and his mom, that is 4, and there are 4 something's!!
The Silver Sixpence......well, I have an idea!
So I called and it was only 9:00 there, Wheeeew, not too late! It was nice chatting with Karin. She is great. So of course her son is great too.
I must remember to give that man a hug and a kiss for her when he gets home!
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