We had a fun time at the Zoo. This weekend there was a scouting event to meet at 10am. We were there, but were told the entrance we were supposed to meet at, the North entrance, was an exit only, and no longer an entrance. So we looked around, didn't see any scouts, and we were late because after standing in line to pay for parking, we were about 14 minutes late to get tickets. As the morning went on, I kept figuring we would eventually just catch up to the other scouts. We never saw them, turns out the event was today, Sunday... ha. what a laugh. I was so caught up to try to make sure we were on time, that the day was ingrained in me that it was Saturday.
Scott just laughed and laughed. I told him that it was not funny at all. In the last few months, though I have been feeling a TON better, some of my memory is going.
Strangely, only when I have to be somewhere, and to think of it, ONLY when I have to be somewhere. I missed a very important meeting a few weeks back, luckily it could be re-scheduled, and a regular appointment I swore was an hour later so I missed it. And yesterday, I was off by a day. My husband just laughs, says it happens... I told him that NOT TO ME it doesn't. Oh----hey I am, not worried or anything, it is just if you are a person that is the 'dependable one' and you flub up an entire day...well it stings.
Other than that we had a great time. We spent just over 2 hours and still did not see the entire Zoo!
We went to Fremont on the way home and visited a Gellato place! Yummmy, the most scrumtpious tasting flavors!

.....and we also saw the world famous Fremont TROLL under the Bridge!
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