Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Uncle Jason Visits

Most know I have 6 brothers, Yes SIX!!....and let's not forget my sister Laura.

My brother Jason posing with Conrad. Jason came up from Spanish Fork, Utah Saturday and had an eventful few days. Jason toured the countryside high and low with mom reaching out to relatives for his genealogy work. He really saw allot of people. One day they went to S.A.M. (Seattle Art Museum) and he had mom walking around 3 hours. He told mom once they got to the entrance to " Ask abut a wheelchair, Mom". Of course if you know mom, she would prefer that you do this for her.. So you bet she wishes after 3 hours of using her walker that she would of asked. As they headed out she saw the line of wheelchairs and was livid. Oops. Well we all think it will take about 4 days for her to recover.
Kevin came over Tuesday early evening and though I was not feeling that great, we all enjoyed a homemade pan of Lasagna and salad. Jason is then on his way to Newport to his high school class reunion this weekend. Kevin and Jason will drive 1/2 way to Spokane Wednesday to meet up with Aaron, Jason riding the rest of the way to Spokane. The visit was too short, as always, and we hope we can get over to Spokane to see Christine and Aaron, Ian and Aiden end of August, and of course plan a trip back to Utah to see all of the wonderful grandkids as well. (uh, not that Aiden and Ian are not wonderful!)

kdaygirl said...

Jason looks like an old man in this picture!

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