Saturday, July 28, 2012

Camp Brinkley Snapshots

Here are close ups of the pages and below is how they look cut out. Since I will use a 6x6 album, the photos are roughly 3x2. (which is taking a photo into photos shop and reducing it to 35%.)

I used my digital page kit of 
 Double D Digitals - Layerworks #No. 209 and used one of the photo frames to frame out all of the Camp Brinkley pictures I wanted to make a mini scrap album with.

Conrad and Scott making a bird house together

Round the campfire

Did you just take a photo of me??

 Blazing Fire

Sittin' atop a stump 
Fun on the lake

Cool oars shot!

Jumble pictures cut out

ALL Photo credits go to Wayne Hacker
I love all of the shots.

Credits for scrap layout: Studio Double D Digitals - Layerworks #No. 209 by Kayleigh Wiles  (available on $2.99
© wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.