Tuesday, March 31, 2020

hello MY FRIEND - Avery Elle Goodness!

Avery Elle: Peek-A-Boo Fair Clear Stamps & Dies Set
Avery Elle: Speech Bubble Clear Stamps & Die Set
Avery Elle: Peek-A-Boo Scary Pals Clear Stamps & Die Set
LF Papers Really Rainbow Scallops 6x6

Who is't trying to stay home,
stay busy..
stay sane.

I made this card for a close friend.
I ADORE and am a HUGE fan of Avery Elle.
I TRULY love them tons and a DREAM would be to guest for them ..Just ONCE...a small guest spot..
Their team is the sweetest.  I met some of them.. and I ADORE them all.
These stamps are so AWESOME. I had to play.
It made me happy and actually cleared my head for a few hours as I cut and colored and designed this card.

A little more "down" it you wish not to read further.,I understand.

I couldn't sleep at all. 
My anxiety disorder kicked in full swing
 two days ago.  So..no sleep yet.
I try...I do.  Anyways
 I know others have it far worse than I do.
 I just have a know it all 17 yr old boy that doesn't believe the "hype" so he is careless and we are constantly telling hime,"Stay home" and "No one allowed here at all" ... as I drive up to find a car full of kids in our driveway.  
Meanwhile...inside.... I also care for my mom that has just recovered from chemo due to an incurable bone marrow disease that has attacked her kidneys leaving her susceptible.
It wouldn't be so bad if the start wasn't just about 5 minutes away... You see I live in Juanita Kirkland, WA..the initial US outbreak.  I try to stay rational.
I try to remain calm... 
It has been good until 2 days ago.
My anxiety just started narrowing in and finally it suffocated me.  
IF you have anything you want to get off your chest..I am here. We are not alone...even if it is trivial. I will listen.. I care.
I care about this big world.
I would love to get back (as we all would) to enjoying it more..and loving life again. 
HUGS my crafty peeps.  

Kelly said...

Thank you for your honesty; my heart goes out to you! So hard. I have struggled with anxiety, too, though I don't have the concrete reasons you do. I pray for strength for you and your mom, and enlightenment for your son. No doubt he is grieving, too, though his actions seem uncaring.

I had pinned one of your cards from a couple of years ago and was going through my CAS pins (because I've been waking early in the morning and my mind starts spinning). You are so talented! I'm glad you are able to find some relief through your creativity.

A big hug to you! ♥

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Popped into your blog to leave you a lil' Whimsy love and found myself drawn into this post. You're not alone in the stresses of this time and it's scary if you're surrounded by folks who don't take it seriously. Especially with a mama who needs very special consideration right now. I hope things settle down soon and you can feel 'safe' again. Sending a hug from New Zealand, Wends xoxo

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