Phase I
- Items off the floor
- Boxes sorted and out of the room
- Move craft table to other side of room
I really should have taken a "before" shot, but the room was all boxes and a table in the middle with stuff all over it. A large shelf behind it with stuff just stacked in it so not to be on the floor.
I really despise moving. It is super great that I know have a dedicated room for all my crafting, though I felt no motivation to get it together.
With Scott out over the New Year and not getting back until Tuesday, I have been busy getting this room as done as I can.
If anyone knows me, they know I cannot keep a surprise, a secret meant to be kept and personal, Yes! A surprise that I really want to make someone happy or proud of me, Never!
So I already told Scott what I was up to.
First thing to do was to get all of the boxes out of my scrap room. I sorted through them all and have sorted and refilled about 7 going to charity. And about 10 empty.
I still need to get alot of my magazines sorted and in magazile holders, and here are still some craft boxes downstairs. That will have to be phase II. I made such a wreck with boxes all over that I was shocked... Also the closet in the craft room is filled with full boxes. Where did all of this come from?
Well... The first thing you do is that you have to admit you have a problem.
Now that alot of my things are now in plain sight, crafting will be much better.
Phase II
- Wall boards
- Window treatments
- Clean Closets
- Closet shelving and organizational for projects "in progress"
I will be putting up cork boards so I can display finished projects (now I out them in albums that no one sees, this will change.) And I will put up idea snippits I find. Like today I found this great idea to make a Lego costume from boxes and round boxes, it is cool. I also see alot of websites for retro modern or funky hand made items that I would like to check out - though forget about them .. Now I will be able to tack them up and remember to check them out when I want.
Right now, I am in love with felted wool! Over the holidays I bought the cutest feltedwool mushroom ornaments, and 2 felted wool raindeer.
well, I am bushed, I did relax and read a new edition of Creative Keepsakes (a scrapbooking magazine) the founder Lisa Beardson is stepping out of the mag after 13 years, sucks all the best creative designer leave just when I get interested in getting a subscription.
My favorite scrapbook desinger is Ali Edwards. My stuff is nothig like hers, I do not even try to be like hers, however I really love how she scrapbooks everything and journals everything in her own handwriting (which is very cool by the way). She is truly inspiring!