Monday, May 23, 2011


Saturday @ 9:45 we met Sensei Arai of the Bellevue WKA Dojo. Even before Conrad came to live with us, I seriously wanted to get Conrad involved in Karate for the self control and focus and respect in the teachings. Conrad loved it. We were lucky that the trial session was the day after his birthday, and his dad was able to come and see him. We were both so proud as he bowed and did his best to watch others and perform as they did. He really looked like a natural. As I waited to speak to the Sensei after the class, the 2 children before me were getting their Gi (White Robe and belt) for the first time. You must truly earn your Gi and all belts of color. I watched the session, and I was even more proud as I realized that Conrad had more self control than others I witnessed that were new too. I knew right away, he really will excel at this if he sticks with it and is interested. He was a little nervous, and was taken under the wing of an adult student for his trial class. His sweat pants had pockets, and we were told he was GREAT, except for the putting hands in his pockets at times. I assured next time, there will be NO pockets in the pants!
All this week we will talk about commitment the seriousness of our word and commitment and decide if we will commit to a one year contract with the Dojo.
(My feeling, it will be a great decision that we make together,and will do nothing but benefit Conrad and our lives)

Photos courtesy of Washington Karate Association Bellevue Dojo Website Archives.
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