On our trip to Missouri, we brought back the cool game with Conrad of Slug Bug.. You all may be familiar, you ride in the car and to pass the time, when you see a VW beetle, you yell "Sluggggg Buggg!" and slug the other person. Well in our friendly version, we say slug bug yellow, or whatever the color is. Each NEW Bug car is 1 point, and the older fashioned cars are 2 as well as 1 extra point for any convertible. Any tricked out bug is worth 5, like the geek squad or the merry maids green bugs! Ahhh so we cannot go anywhere without playing this game.
Good news, with Conrad getting a Nintendo DS for his birthday, this he would rather play Mario Bros vs Donkey Kong than slug bug... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nice to drive to the store and not hear a yell in your ear SLUG BUG GREEN, Did you see that Aunt Kim???!! Well DIDJA??? HUH!!!???
5 Points
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