I made skillet potatoes, steak, and blueberry french toast for Father's Day.

Scott's company were all given the InFamous2 Hero game edition. It is the game with an action figure statue and the figures pack and other stuff.. Pretty cool.

Conrad continues Karate 6 sessions a week... In the hopes to get his Gi as quickly as we can, we do our best to attend 2 back to back sessions 3x a week.. (They must earn their Karate Uniform and white belt)

Poor little Lucy cat. We took her to the vet and she has a bladder infection. Morning and night we must wrap her in a blanket, hold her down tight and force feed two types of medication to her. She has a special food now.. It is no fun at all. And we are not surprised she is hiding out under the table on a chair. Poor Lucy girl. She does not act angry and does not lash out at me when I check on her, she just looks as uncomfortable as she feels I suspect.

Friday catching up on reading.

Monkey on the monkey bars

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