Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Series of Unfortunate Events...

By a series of unfortunate events, (that became our blessing) in April 2010 we were became the guardians of my 9yr old nephew.  

(We are far less nefarious than the dreaded Count Olaf, I can attest..Though I have been reading this as his bedtime story, and we are now on book 7!)

I wanted to wait to make the announcement once the adoption was final, FINAL.
But I just can't.

A few already know, but I can’t contain how happy I am that the adoption is well underway, and we are crossing our fingers that it will be final before the end of the year!
We are blessed.

1/1/11: We filed for Adoption proceedings (1st opportunity).
11/1/11: Weset up a college trust (529).(1st day open enrollment)

Something to ponder, I added some found commentary on the significance of the number one.:  

Chinese Superstition: The number one is In the written language, the word meaning "one" is , which also represents loneliness or unity. 

Numerology: The One: One primarily deals with strong will, positivity, pure energy. The number One reflects new beginnings, and purity. The symbolic meaning of number One is further clarified when we understand One represents both kinds of action: physical and mental. This combined with Ones urgency for new beginnings, we begin to see Ones recurring in our lives indicates a time to exert our natural forces, take action, and start a new venture. One encourages us our action will be rewarded in kind

Spirituality: One clearly represents unity, primacy, the first, the best, the only, it has no divisors, no factors, no components, it is universal, whole and complete. One is independent of all other numbers, is the source of all other numbers. In this sense it represents God as the beginning and the end, the prime impulse, the source of creation. One usually represents God, His sovereign rule, His omnipotence, His supremacy, His unique character. One excludes all differences for there is no second with which it can either harmonize or conflict. Thus one can also represent harmony, unity or peace but because of its reference to God it also means harmony, unity or peace with God. The first of the Ten Commandments is:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
(Excerpt credit to : By Andrew Harris 9 July 1999 ©)
BrittanyLane said...

Congratulations! (almost...) Conrad is so lucky to have you! We love those books too. And though I'm not superstitious in the least, it seems like a very lucky and blessed date!

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