Friday, October 19, 2012

Muffin Bundt

I love Blueberry muffins. 
Sometimes I only want half as thay can be very large.
I took  2 Krusteaz mixes 2 for $5 at the neighborhood safeway, made sure to drain the blueberries very well, and made a Blueberry muffin bundt.
I am too lazy time challenged to scoop all the muffins, treat or put in the muffin liners too..
Viola, came out of the pan perfectly.
It is wonderful to cut the size you want, and not have all of the crumbly topping get all over the place that the regular large store bought muffins have.
So this is not full scratch, but fast and very good, less messy.
2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.