Friday, October 5, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference & Book Fair

Well the Parent Teacher conference went well. 
Conrad did a video presentation on a computer notebook that all of the kids have.
His teacher commented that he is gifted in his knowledge of special effects on his presentation.
Afterwards we went to the book fair. 
Conrad is reading at a fast pace when he is required to read 1/2 hour a day!
So a few new books were in order.
Dig that crazy face!
 Susan, the volunteer parent at the register
She sees Conrad's book, "Eye of the storm"
and commented that she is from Kansas
 (She is a regular scout mom too so we know her)
Scott has to add that he is from Missouri and then starts babbling on about the twisters.
I had to remind Scott with a look that he had to (unfortunately) go back to work after this.
As you can see I am edging out the door...
The look worked, and he wrapped it up.  He was really getting going there in my defense and he started holding up the line. (You can see the girl waiting behind Conrad).
Scott is great, funny, but once you get him started on something, he really can get a going and loses all track of time.
These books look great!

In the hall next to his class are the kid's artworks.
This is how 5th Graders
 " Have a Handle on things"
I hope I wrote that correctly. 
Apparently Conrad has a handle on the fact he has a TV and PS3 Stand in his room
Video games being his favorite thing in the universe.
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