Sunday, August 4, 2013

Amazing: CAS(E) this sketch!

Amazing: CAS(E) this sketch!

Well all, I tried, I tried to stay away from using this Amazing sentiment again, 
just couldn't do it.

I saw a stamp block that resembles the sketch flower.
I really do not have many flower stamps.  
I do, but not a super large variety.
I picked up my Penny Black Constellations.  
I then saw my trusty Amazing sentiment.
Ok, I will see...

On  Personal Note:  Skip down past this next paragraph and dont' read if you don't want to hear a stampaholic grumble and vent.
(You other PNW'ers will also shed a tear with me when I learned that Impress in Bellevue Square Mall closed.  Gaspppp... I actually have to drive south to Tukwilla, eeeeek.. No more mid week power shops
at the Mall when Conrad is at Karate.  Tukwilla, though not far, it is far enough.  I still need more than an hour and a half  to trek there and spend ample shop time..gaddds.
I overheard that the Mall 'upped the lease and opted for a higher paying renter.  A cosmetic company that puts real gold in the creams or something ridiculous like that.  If you are like me, you will forego a decent haircut awhile longer if you can get a few stamp set instead LOL!!!!)
Anyway, I should not complain, there are places to live where you have to mail order only.  Sorry folks, 
I am too privileged and stamp crazed, I apologize.  
We just have lost alot of great stores in this area, and I hate to see small business go.
ESPECIALLY stamp stores...
I got it good. 
So complaint session over.

Well  onto this card.

Simple black number with red buttons, I mean red rose Impress embellishments.

(If you know me, I start to talk about cards like clothes
 when there is a new season of 
Project Runway! )
Penny Black Constellations Stamp
Impression Obsession Amazing Sentiment
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black
Impress Red Rose Embellishments

Close up sweet Rosettes!

Shannon J said...

First, love the card - that stamp is fabulous. So perfectly clean and simple! Second, I'm shedding a tear for you! It is so sad to see a store like that close - it's like a good friend moving away. Seriously! Yeah, you can still make the trek out, but it's just not the same. All because the landlords wanted to line their pockets a little more. Just not right :(

Anonymous said...

Hey Kimberly-we are neighbours on the the linky line up today!
Totally gorgeous card-i love those flower centres!
Nessa xx

Deepti said...

This indeed is ah-mazing love the pop of color on black and white :) and I so agree with you, I too forego a lot of things just to buy at a craft store :) There's nothing more satisfying than purchasing crafts ;) LOL

donna mikasa said...

Love the pops of red from those rosettes! Great cards from you this week, Kimberly!

Chrissy Larson said...

Love love love! This is totally gorgeous!

Happy Dance said...

How did I miss this card?!! Just popped over to see the winners at CTS, and here you are! Big congrats!! Well done and well deserved.
Closing stamp/scrapbook stores...I can totally relate. While we have a Michaels and Hobby Lobby, it's not that special, personal kind of shop. The nearest one is 30 minutes away, and another is I know exactly what you mean. So sad, so sorry. Your card is beautiful. Love it. Bev

Anonymous said...

Awww ,Congrats :) So chuffed for you Kimberly-told you this was gorgeous!
Nessa xx

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