Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mr. and Mrs.: CAS(E) this sketch!

Mr. and Mrs.: CAS(E) this sketch!

I could not shake that is was a shirt .....
So this really looked like a BOWTIE to me, 
so what the hey, 
I went with it!

I also noticed afterwards that it was very similar to Gillian's
 -so I must have subconsciously CAS'ed it
Check out her loveliness of a  CARD!!

You should go check out ALL of her wonderful designs on her blog:    Made with Sparkle!

Shannon J said...

I don't think this is too close to Gillian's! Her's is lovely, but yours has got it's own cool look! I love what you did with this!

~amy~ said... it!

Katie Ann Brooks said...

So fun, I love it.

Gillian R said...

Wow Kimberley, this is so stunning, puts mine to shame. Thanks for the shout out but your card is head and shoulders above mine!

donna mikasa said...

What a fun take on the sketch--and Gillian's card! Yours is more formal. ;) Thanks for always finding time to play along with us!

2025 © wienerhoneymooners. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.